Example: Document Changes

Initiating an editor state change from a program is done by dispatching a transaction.

// Insert text at the start of the document
  changes: {from: 0, insert: "#!/usr/bin/env node\n"}

Changes (replacements) are described with {from, to, insert} objects. For insertions, to can be omitted, and for deletions, insert can be omitted.

When dispatching a transaction, you can also pass an array of changes. The from/to in each of these changes refer to positions in the start document, not to the document created by previously listed changes.

For example, to replace all tabs in a document with two spaces, you could do something like this:

let text = view.state.doc.toString(), pos = 0
let changes = []
for (let next; (next = text.indexOf("\t", pos)) > -1;) {
  changes.push({from: next, to: next + 1, insert: "  "})
  pos = next + 1

When acting on the selection, you'll often want to create your transaction spec using the replaceSelection method. This replaces each selection range with a given string, and moves the selection ranges to the end of that string (by default, they'd stay in front of it):


To do something more complicated with each selection range, without manually dealing with the potentially complicated interactions between those ranges and the changes created for them, you can use the changeByRange helper. This would wrap all ranges in underscores, for example:

view.dispatch(view.state.changeByRange(range => ({
  changes: [{from: range.from, insert: "_"}, {from: range.to, insert: "_"}],
  range: EditorSelection.range(range.from, range.to + 2)

The method takes a callback, which is called for each current selection range. It should return an object enumerating the changes for that range, plus the range's new position (taking into account the changes made for that range, but not those made for other ranges).