Reference Manual

CodeMirror is published as a set of NPM packages under the @codemirror scope. The core packages are listed in this reference guide.

Each package exposes ECMAScript and CommonJS modules. You'll have to use some kind of bundler or loader to run them in the browser.

The most important modules are state, which contains the data structures that model the editor state, and view, which provides the UI component for an editor.

A minimal editor might look like this:

import {EditorView, keymap} from "@codemirror/view"
import {defaultKeymap} from "@codemirror/commands"

let myView = new EditorView({
  doc: "hello",
  extensions: [keymap.of(defaultKeymap)],
  parent: document.body

But such an editor is going to be rather primitive. To get functionality like highlighting, a line number gutter, or an undo history, you need to add more extensions to your editor.

To quickly get started, the codemirror package provides a bundle of extensions to set up a functioning editor.


In its most basic form, an editor's state is made up of a current document and a selection. Because there are a lot of extra pieces that an editor might need to keep in its state (such as an undo history or syntax tree), it is possible for extensions to add additional fields to the state object.

interface EditorStateConfig

Options passed when creating an editor state.

doc⁠?: string | Text

The initial document. Defaults to an empty document. Can be provided either as a plain string (which will be split into lines according to the value of the lineSeparator facet), or an instance of the Text class (which is what the state will use to represent the document).

selection⁠?: EditorSelection | {anchornumber, head⁠?: number}

The starting selection. Defaults to a cursor at the very start of the document.

extensions⁠?: Extension

Extension(s) to associate with this state.

class EditorState

The editor state class is a persistent (immutable) data structure. To update a state, you create a transaction, which produces a new state instance, without modifying the original object.

As such, never mutate properties of a state directly. That'll just break things.

doc: Text

The current document.

selection: EditorSelection

The current selection.

field<T>(fieldStateField<T>) → T

Retrieve the value of a state field. Throws an error when the state doesn't have that field, unless you pass false as second parameter.

update(...specsreadonly TransactionSpec[]) → Transaction

Create a transaction that updates this state. Any number of transaction specs can be passed. Unless sequential is set, the changes (if any) of each spec are assumed to start in the current document (not the document produced by previous specs), and its selection and effects are assumed to refer to the document created by its own changes. The resulting transaction contains the combined effect of all the different specs. For selection, later specs take precedence over earlier ones.

replaceSelection(textstring | Text) → TransactionSpec

Create a transaction spec that replaces every selection range with the given content.

ffn(rangeSelectionRange) → {
changes⁠?: ChangeSpec,
effects⁠?: StateEffect<any> | readonly StateEffect<any>[]
) → {
effectsreadonly StateEffect<any>[]

Create a set of changes and a new selection by running the given function for each range in the active selection. The function can return an optional set of changes (in the coordinate space of the start document), plus an updated range (in the coordinate space of the document produced by the call's own changes). This method will merge all the changes and ranges into a single changeset and selection, and return it as a transaction spec, which can be passed to update.

changes(spec⁠?: ChangeSpec = []) → ChangeSet

Create a change set from the given change description, taking the state's document length and line separator into account.

toText(stringstring) → Text

Using the state's line separator, create a Text instance from the given string.

sliceDoc(from⁠?: number = 0, to⁠?: number = this.doc.length) → string

Return the given range of the document as a string.

facet<Output>(facetFacetReader<Output>) → Output

Get the value of a state facet.

toJSON(fields⁠?: Object<StateField<any>>) → any

Convert this state to a JSON-serializable object. When custom fields should be serialized, you can pass them in as an object mapping property names (in the resulting object, which should not use doc or selection) to fields.

tabSize: number

The size (in columns) of a tab in the document, determined by the tabSize facet.

lineBreak: string

Get the proper line-break string for this state.

readOnly: boolean

Returns true when the editor is configured to be read-only.

phrase(phrasestring, ...insertany[]) → string

Look up a translation for the given phrase (via the phrases facet), or return the original string if no translation is found.

If additional arguments are passed, they will be inserted in place of markers like $1 (for the first value) and $2, etc. A single $ is equivalent to $1, and $$ will produce a literal dollar sign.

languageDataAt<T>(namestring, posnumber, side⁠?: -1 | 0 | 1 = -1) → readonly T[]

Find the values for a given language data field, provided by the the languageData facet.

Examples of language data fields are...

charCategorizer(atnumber) → fn(charstring) → CharCategory

Return a function that can categorize strings (expected to represent a single grapheme cluster) into one of:

  • Word (contains an alphanumeric character or a character explicitly listed in the local language's "wordChars" language data, which should be a string)
  • Space (contains only whitespace)
  • Other (anything else)
wordAt(posnumber) → SelectionRange | null

Find the word at the given position, meaning the range containing all word characters around it. If no word characters are adjacent to the position, this returns null.

static fromJSON(
) → EditorState

Deserialize a state from its JSON representation. When custom fields should be deserialized, pass the same object you passed to toJSON when serializing as third argument.

static create(config⁠?: EditorStateConfig = {}) → EditorState

Create a new state. You'll usually only need this when initializing an editor—updated states are created by applying transactions.

static allowMultipleSelections: Facet<boolean, boolean>

A facet that, when enabled, causes the editor to allow multiple ranges to be selected. Be careful though, because by default the editor relies on the native DOM selection, which cannot handle multiple selections. An extension like drawSelection can be used to make secondary selections visible to the user.

static tabSize: Facet<number, number>

Configures the tab size to use in this state. The first (highest-precedence) value of the facet is used. If no value is given, this defaults to 4.

static lineSeparator: Facet<string, string | undefined>

The line separator to use. By default, any of "\n", "\r\n" and "\r" is treated as a separator when splitting lines, and lines are joined with "\n".

When you configure a value here, only that precise separator will be used, allowing you to round-trip documents through the editor without normalizing line separators.

static readOnly: Facet<boolean, boolean>

This facet controls the value of the readOnly getter, which is consulted by commands and extensions that implement editing functionality to determine whether they should apply. It defaults to false, but when its highest-precedence value is true, such functionality disables itself.

Not to be confused with EditorView.editable, which controls whether the editor's DOM is set to be editable (and thus focusable).

static phrases: Facet<Object<string>>

Registers translation phrases. The phrase method will look through all objects registered with this facet to find translations for its argument.

static languageData: Facet<
fn(stateEditorState, posnumber, side-1 | 0 | 1) → readonly Object<any>[]

A facet used to register language data providers.

static changeFilter: Facet<fn(trTransaction) → boolean | readonly number[]>

Facet used to register change filters, which are called for each transaction (unless explicitly disabled), and can suppress part of the transaction's changes.

Such a function can return true to indicate that it doesn't want to do anything, false to completely stop the changes in the transaction, or a set of ranges in which changes should be suppressed. Such ranges are represented as an array of numbers, with each pair of two numbers indicating the start and end of a range. So for example [10, 20, 100, 110] suppresses changes between 10 and 20, and between 100 and 110.

static transactionFilter: Facet<>

Facet used to register a hook that gets a chance to update or replace transaction specs before they are applied. This will only be applied for transactions that don't have filter set to false. You can either return a single transaction spec (possibly the input transaction), or an array of specs (which will be combined in the same way as the arguments to EditorState.update).

When possible, it is recommended to avoid accessing Transaction.state in a filter, since it will force creation of a state that will then be discarded again, if the transaction is actually filtered.

(This functionality should be used with care. Indiscriminately modifying transaction is likely to break something or degrade the user experience.)

static transactionExtender: Facet<
fn(trTransaction) → Pick<TransactionSpec, "effects" | "annotations"> |

This is a more limited form of transactionFilter, which can only add annotations and effects. But, this type of filter runs even if the transaction has disabled regular filtering, making it suitable for effects that don't need to touch the changes or selection, but do want to process every transaction.

Extenders run after filters, when both are present.

class SelectionRange

A single selection range. When allowMultipleSelections is enabled, a selection may hold multiple ranges. By default, selections hold exactly one range.

from: number

The lower boundary of the range.

to: number

The upper boundary of the range.

anchor: number

The anchor of the range—the side that doesn't move when you extend it.

head: number

The head of the range, which is moved when the range is extended.

empty: boolean

True when anchor and head are at the same position.

assoc: -1 | 0 | 1

If this is a cursor that is explicitly associated with the character on one of its sides, this returns the side. -1 means the character before its position, 1 the character after, and 0 means no association.

bidiLevel: number | null

The bidirectional text level associated with this cursor, if any.

goalColumn: number | undefined

The goal column (stored vertical offset) associated with a cursor. This is used to preserve the vertical position when moving across lines of different length.

map(changeChangeDesc, assoc⁠?: number = -1) → SelectionRange

Map this range through a change, producing a valid range in the updated document.

extend(fromnumber, to⁠?: number = from) → SelectionRange

Extend this range to cover at least from to to.

eq(otherSelectionRange, includeAssoc⁠?: boolean = false) → boolean

Compare this range to another range.

toJSON() → any

Return a JSON-serializable object representing the range.

static fromJSON(jsonany) → SelectionRange

Convert a JSON representation of a range to a SelectionRange instance.

class EditorSelection

An editor selection holds one or more selection ranges.

ranges: readonly SelectionRange[]

The ranges in the selection, sorted by position. Ranges cannot overlap (but they may touch, if they aren't empty).

mainIndex: number

The index of the main range in the selection (which is usually the range that was added last).

map(changeChangeDesc, assoc⁠?: number = -1) → EditorSelection

Map a selection through a change. Used to adjust the selection position for changes.

eq(otherEditorSelection, includeAssoc⁠?: boolean = false) → boolean

Compare this selection to another selection. By default, ranges are compared only by position. When includeAssoc is true, cursor ranges must also have the same assoc value.

main: SelectionRange

Get the primary selection range. Usually, you should make sure your code applies to all ranges, by using methods like changeByRange.

asSingle() → EditorSelection

Make sure the selection only has one range. Returns a selection holding only the main range from this selection.

addRange(rangeSelectionRange, main⁠?: boolean = true) → EditorSelection

Extend this selection with an extra range.

replaceRange(rangeSelectionRange, which⁠?: number = this.mainIndex) → EditorSelection

Replace a given range with another range, and then normalize the selection to merge and sort ranges if necessary.

toJSON() → any

Convert this selection to an object that can be serialized to JSON.

static fromJSON(jsonany) → EditorSelection

Create a selection from a JSON representation.

static single(anchornumber, head⁠?: number = anchor) → EditorSelection

Create a selection holding a single range.

static create(
rangesreadonly SelectionRange[],
mainIndex⁠?: number = 0
) → EditorSelection

Sort and merge the given set of ranges, creating a valid selection.

static cursor(
assoc⁠?: number = 0,
) → SelectionRange

Create a cursor selection range at the given position. You can safely ignore the optional arguments in most situations.

static range() → SelectionRange

Create a selection range.

enum CharCategory

The categories produced by a character categorizer. These are used do things like selecting by word.


Word characters.




Anything else.


The Text type stores documents in an immutable tree-shaped representation that allows:

Line numbers start at 1. Character positions are counted from zero, and count each line break and UTF-16 code unit as one unit.

class Text implements Iterable<string>

The data structure for documents.

length: number

The length of the string.

lines: number

The number of lines in the string (always >= 1).

lineAt(posnumber) → Line

Get the line description around the given position.

line(nnumber) → Line

Get the description for the given (1-based) line number.

replace(fromnumber, tonumber, textText) → Text

Replace a range of the text with the given content.

append(otherText) → Text

Append another document to this one.

slice(fromnumber, to⁠?: number = this.length) → Text

Retrieve the text between the given points.

sliceString(fromnumber, to⁠?: number, lineSep⁠?: string) → string

Retrieve a part of the document as a string

eq(otherText) → boolean

Test whether this text is equal to another instance.

iter(dir⁠?: 1 | -1 = 1) → TextIterator

Iterate over the text. When dir is -1, iteration happens from end to start. This will return lines and the breaks between them as separate strings.

iterRange(fromnumber, to⁠?: number = this.length) → TextIterator

Iterate over a range of the text. When from > to, the iterator will run in reverse.

iterLines(from⁠?: number, to⁠?: number) → TextIterator

Return a cursor that iterates over the given range of lines, without returning the line breaks between, and yielding empty strings for empty lines.

When from and to are given, they should be 1-based line numbers.

toString() → string

Return the document as a string, using newline characters to separate lines.

toJSON() → string[]

Convert the document to an array of lines (which can be deserialized again via Text.of).

children: readonly Text[] | null

If this is a branch node, children will hold the Text objects that it is made up of. For leaf nodes, this holds null.

[symbol iterator]() → Iterator<string>
static of(textreadonly string[]) → Text

Create a Text instance for the given array of lines.

static empty: Text

The empty document.

class Line

This type describes a line in the document. It is created on-demand when lines are queried.

from: number

The position of the start of the line.

to: number

The position at the end of the line (before the line break, or at the end of document for the last line).

number: number

This line's line number (1-based).

text: string

The line's content.

length: number

The length of the line (not including any line break after it).

interface TextIterator extends Iterator<string> extends Iterable<string>

A text iterator iterates over a sequence of strings. When iterating over a Text document, result values will either be lines or line breaks.

next(skip⁠?: number) → TextIterator

Retrieve the next string. Optionally skip a given number of positions after the current position. Always returns the object itself.

value: string

The current string. Will be the empty string when the cursor is at its end or next hasn't been called on it yet.

done: boolean

Whether the end of the iteration has been reached. You should probably check this right after calling next.

lineBreak: boolean

Whether the current string represents a line break.

Column Utilities

to⁠?: number = string.length
) → number

Count the column position at the given offset into the string, taking extending characters and tab size into account.

findColumn() → number

Find the offset that corresponds to the given column position in a string, taking extending characters and tab size into account. By default, the string length is returned when it is too short to reach the column. Pass strict true to make it return -1 in that situation.

Code Points and Characters

If you support environments that don't yet have String.fromCodePoint and codePointAt, this package provides portable replacements for them.

codePointAt(strstring, posnumber) → number

Find the code point at the given position in a string (like the codePointAt string method).

fromCodePoint(codenumber) → string

Given a Unicode codepoint, return the JavaScript string that respresents it (like String.fromCodePoint).

codePointSize(codenumber) → 1 | 2

The amount of positions a character takes up a JavaScript string.

forward⁠?: boolean = true,
) → number

Returns a next grapheme cluster break after (not equal to) pos, if forward is true, or before otherwise. Returns pos itself if no further cluster break is available in the string. Moves across surrogate pairs, extending characters (when includeExtending is true), characters joined with zero-width joiners, and flag emoji.

Changes and Transactions

CodeMirror treats changes to the document as objects, which are usually part of a transaction.

This is how you'd make a change to a document (replacing “world” with “editor”) and create a new state with the updated document:

let state = EditorState.create({doc: "hello world"})
let transaction = state.update({changes: {from: 6, to: 11, insert: "editor"}})
console.log(transaction.state.doc.toString()) // "hello editor"

interface TransactionSpec

Describes a transaction when calling the EditorState.update method.

changes⁠?: ChangeSpec

The changes to the document made by this transaction.

selection⁠?: EditorSelection |
{anchornumber, head⁠?: number} |

When set, this transaction explicitly updates the selection. Offsets in this selection should refer to the document as it is after the transaction.

effects⁠?: StateEffect<any> | readonly StateEffect<any>[]

Attach state effects to this transaction. Again, when they contain positions and this same spec makes changes, those positions should refer to positions in the updated document.

annotations⁠?: Annotation<any> | readonly Annotation<any>[]

Set annotations for this transaction.

userEvent⁠?: string

Shorthand for annotations: Transaction.userEvent.of(...).

scrollIntoView⁠?: boolean

When set to true, the transaction is marked as needing to scroll the current selection into view.

filter⁠?: boolean

By default, transactions can be modified by change filters and transaction filters. You can set this to false to disable that. This can be necessary for transactions that, for example, include annotations that must be kept consistent with their changes.

sequential⁠?: boolean

Normally, when multiple specs are combined (for example by EditorState.update), the positions in changes are taken to refer to the document positions in the initial document. When a spec has sequental set to true, its positions will be taken to refer to the document created by the specs before it instead.

type ChangeSpec = {fromnumber, to⁠?: number, insert⁠?: string | Text} |
readonly ChangeSpec[]

This type is used as argument to EditorState.changes and in the changes field of transaction specs to succinctly describe document changes. It may either be a plain object describing a change (a deletion, insertion, or replacement, depending on which fields are present), a change set, or an array of change specs.

class Transaction

Changes to the editor state are grouped into transactions. Typically, a user action creates a single transaction, which may contain any number of document changes, may change the selection, or have other effects. Create a transaction by calling EditorState.update, or immediately dispatch one by calling EditorView.dispatch.

startState: EditorState

The state from which the transaction starts.

changes: ChangeSet

The document changes made by this transaction.

selection: EditorSelection | undefined

The selection set by this transaction, or undefined if it doesn't explicitly set a selection.

effects: readonly StateEffect<any>[]

The effects added to the transaction.

scrollIntoView: boolean

Whether the selection should be scrolled into view after this transaction is dispatched.

newDoc: Text

The new document produced by the transaction. Contrary to .state.doc, accessing this won't force the entire new state to be computed right away, so it is recommended that transaction filters use this getter when they need to look at the new document.

newSelection: EditorSelection

The new selection produced by the transaction. If this.selection is undefined, this will map the start state's current selection through the changes made by the transaction.

state: EditorState

The new state created by the transaction. Computed on demand (but retained for subsequent access), so it is recommended not to access it in transaction filters when possible.

annotation<T>(typeAnnotationType<T>) → T | undefined

Get the value of the given annotation type, if any.

docChanged: boolean

Indicates whether the transaction changed the document.

reconfigured: boolean

Indicates whether this transaction reconfigures the state (through a configuration compartment or with a top-level configuration effect.

isUserEvent(eventstring) → boolean

Returns true if the transaction has a user event annotation that is equal to or more specific than event. For example, if the transaction has "select.pointer" as user event, "select" and "select.pointer" will match it.

static time: AnnotationType<number>

Annotation used to store transaction timestamps. Automatically added to every transaction, holding

static userEvent: AnnotationType<string>

Annotation used to associate a transaction with a user interface event. Holds a string identifying the event, using a dot-separated format to support attaching more specific information. The events used by the core libraries are:

  • "input" when content is entered
    • "input.type" for typed input
      • "input.type.compose" for composition
    • "input.paste" for pasted input
    • "input.drop" when adding content with drag-and-drop
    • "input.complete" when autocompleting
  • "delete" when the user deletes content
    • "delete.selection" when deleting the selection
    • "delete.forward" when deleting forward from the selection
    • "delete.backward" when deleting backward from the selection
    • "delete.cut" when cutting to the clipboard
  • "move" when content is moved
    • "move.drop" when content is moved within the editor through drag-and-drop
  • "select" when explicitly changing the selection
    • "select.pointer" when selecting with a mouse or other pointing device
  • "undo" and "redo" for history actions

Use isUserEvent to check whether the annotation matches a given event.

static addToHistory: AnnotationType<boolean>

Annotation indicating whether a transaction should be added to the undo history or not.

static remote: AnnotationType<boolean>

Annotation indicating (when present and true) that a transaction represents a change made by some other actor, not the user. This is used, for example, to tag other people's changes in collaborative editing.

class ChangeDesc

A change description is a variant of change set that doesn't store the inserted text. As such, it can't be applied, but is cheaper to store and manipulate.

length: number

The length of the document before the change.

newLength: number

The length of the document after the change.

empty: boolean

False when there are actual changes in this set.

iterGaps(ffn(posAnumber, posBnumber, lengthnumber))

Iterate over the unchanged parts left by these changes. posA provides the position of the range in the old document, posB the new position in the changed document.

individual⁠?: boolean = false

Iterate over the ranges changed by these changes. (See ChangeSet.iterChanges for a variant that also provides you with the inserted text.) fromA/toA provides the extent of the change in the starting document, fromB/toB the extent of the replacement in the changed document.

When individual is true, adjacent changes (which are kept separate for position mapping) are reported separately.

invertedDesc: ChangeDesc

Get a description of the inverted form of these changes.

composeDesc(otherChangeDesc) → ChangeDesc

Compute the combined effect of applying another set of changes after this one. The length of the document after this set should match the length before other.

mapDesc(otherChangeDesc, before⁠?: boolean = false) → ChangeDesc

Map this description, which should start with the same document as other, over another set of changes, so that it can be applied after it. When before is true, map as if the changes in other happened before the ones in this.

mapPos(posnumber, assoc⁠?: number) → number

Map a given position through these changes, to produce a position pointing into the new document.

assoc indicates which side the position should be associated with. When it is negative or zero, the mapping will try to keep the position close to the character before it (if any), and will move it before insertions at that point or replacements across that point. When it is positive, the position is associated with the character after it, and will be moved forward for insertions at or replacements across the position. Defaults to -1.

mode determines whether deletions should be reported. It defaults to MapMode.Simple (don't report deletions).

touchesRange(fromnumber, to⁠?: number = from) → boolean | "cover"

Check whether these changes touch a given range. When one of the changes entirely covers the range, the string "cover" is returned.

toJSON() → readonly number[]

Serialize this change desc to a JSON-representable value.

static fromJSON(jsonany) → ChangeDesc

Create a change desc from its JSON representation (as produced by toJSON.

enum MapMode

Distinguishes different ways in which positions can be mapped.


Map a position to a valid new position, even when its context was deleted.


Return null if deletion happens across the position.


Return null if the character before the position is deleted.


Return null if the character after the position is deleted.

class ChangeSet extends ChangeDesc

A change set represents a group of modifications to a document. It stores the document length, and can only be applied to documents with exactly that length.

apply(docText) → Text

Apply the changes to a document, returning the modified document.

invert(docText) → ChangeSet

Given the document as it existed before the changes, return a change set that represents the inverse of this set, which could be used to go from the document created by the changes back to the document as it existed before the changes.

compose(otherChangeSet) → ChangeSet

Combine two subsequent change sets into a single set. other must start in the document produced by this. If this goes docAdocB and other represents docBdocC, the returned value will represent the change docAdocC.

map(otherChangeDesc, before⁠?: boolean = false) → ChangeSet

Given another change set starting in the same document, maps this change set over the other, producing a new change set that can be applied to the document produced by applying other. When before is true, order changes as if this comes before other, otherwise (the default) treat other as coming first.

Given two changes A and B, A.compose( and B.compose(, true)) will produce the same document. This provides a basic form of operational transformation, and can be used for collaborative editing.

individual⁠?: boolean = false

Iterate over the changed ranges in the document, calling f for each, with the range in the original document (fromA-toA) and the range that replaces it in the new document (fromB-toB).

When individual is true, adjacent changes are reported separately.

desc: ChangeDesc

Get a change description for this change set.

toJSON() → any

Serialize this change set to a JSON-representable value.

static of(changesChangeSpec, lengthnumber, lineSep⁠?: string) → ChangeSet

Create a change set for the given changes, for a document of the given length, using lineSep as line separator.

static empty(lengthnumber) → ChangeSet

Create an empty changeset of the given length.

static fromJSON(jsonany) → ChangeSet

Create a changeset from its JSON representation (as produced by toJSON.

class Annotation<T>

Annotations are tagged values that are used to add metadata to transactions in an extensible way. They should be used to model things that effect the entire transaction (such as its time stamp or information about its origin). For effects that happen alongside the other changes made by the transaction, state effects are more appropriate.

type: AnnotationType<T>

The annotation type.

value: T

The value of this annotation.

static define<T>() → AnnotationType<T>

Define a new type of annotation.

class AnnotationType<T>

Marker that identifies a type of annotation.

of(valueT) → Annotation<T>

Create an instance of this annotation.

class StateEffect<Value>

State effects can be used to represent additional effects associated with a transaction. They are often useful to model changes to custom state fields, when those changes aren't implicit in document or selection changes.

value: Value

The value of this effect.

map(mappingChangeDesc) → StateEffect<Value> | undefined

Map this effect through a position mapping. Will return undefined when that ends up deleting the effect.

is<T>(typeStateEffectType<T>) → boolean

Tells you whether this effect object is of a given type.

static define<Value = null>(spec⁠?: Object = {}) → StateEffectType<Value>

Define a new effect type. The type parameter indicates the type of values that his effect holds. It should be a type that doesn't include undefined, since that is used in mapping to indicate that an effect is removed.

map⁠?: fn(valueValue, mappingChangeDesc) → Value | undefined

Provides a way to map an effect like this through a position mapping. When not given, the effects will simply not be mapped. When the function returns undefined, that means the mapping deletes the effect.

static mapEffects(
effectsreadonly StateEffect<any>[],
) → readonly StateEffect<any>[]

Map an array of effects through a change set.

static reconfigure: StateEffectType<Extension>

This effect can be used to reconfigure the root extensions of the editor. Doing this will discard any extensions appended, but does not reset the content of reconfigured compartments.

static appendConfig: StateEffectType<Extension>

Append extensions to the top-level configuration of the editor.

class StateEffectType<Value>

Representation of a type of state effect. Defined with StateEffect.define.

of(valueValue) → StateEffect<Value>

Create a state effect instance of this type.

Extending Editor State

The following are some types and mechanisms used when writing extensions for the editor state.

type StateCommand = fn(
target: {stateEditorState, dispatchfn(transactionTransaction)}
) → boolean

Subtype of Command that doesn't require access to the actual editor view. Mostly useful to define commands that can be run and tested outside of a browser environment.

type Extension = {extensionExtension} | readonly Extension[]

Extension values can be provided when creating a state to attach various kinds of configuration and behavior information. They can either be built-in extension-providing objects, such as state fields or facet providers, or objects with an extension in its extension property. Extensions can be nested in arrays arbitrarily deep—they will be flattened when processed.

class StateField<Value>

Fields can store additional information in an editor state, and keep it in sync with the rest of the state.

init(createfn(stateEditorState) → Value) → Extension

Returns an extension that enables this field and overrides the way it is initialized. Can be useful when you need to provide a non-default starting value for the field.

extension: Extension

State field instances can be used as Extension values to enable the field in a given state.

static define<Value>(configObject) → StateField<Value>

Define a state field.

create(stateEditorState) → Value

Creates the initial value for the field when a state is created.

update(valueValue, transactionTransaction) → Value

Compute a new value from the field's previous value and a transaction.

compare⁠?: fn(aValue, bValue) → boolean

Compare two values of the field, returning true when they are the same. This is used to avoid recomputing facets that depend on the field when its value did not change. Defaults to using ===.

provide⁠?: fn(fieldStateField<Value>) → Extension

Provide extensions based on this field. The given function will be called once with the initialized field. It will usually want to call some facet's from method to create facet inputs from this field, but can also return other extensions that should be enabled when the field is present in a configuration.

toJSON⁠?: fn(valueValue, stateEditorState) → any

A function used to serialize this field's content to JSON. Only necessary when this field is included in the argument to EditorState.toJSON.

fromJSON⁠?: fn(jsonany, stateEditorState) → Value

A function that deserializes the JSON representation of this field's content.

class Facet<Input, Output = readonly Input[]> implements FacetReader<Output>

A facet is a labeled value that is associated with an editor state. It takes inputs from any number of extensions, and combines those into a single output value.

Examples of uses of facets are the tab size, editor attributes, and update listeners.

Note that Facet instances can be used anywhere where FacetReader is expected.

reader: FacetReader<Output>

Returns a facet reader for this facet, which can be used to read it but not to define values for it.

of(valueInput) → Extension

Returns an extension that adds the given value to this facet.

depsreadonly (StateField<any> | "doc" | "selection" | FacetReader<any>)[],
getfn(stateEditorState) → Input
) → Extension

Create an extension that computes a value for the facet from a state. You must take care to declare the parts of the state that this value depends on, since your function is only called again for a new state when one of those parts changed.

In cases where your value depends only on a single field, you'll want to use the from method instead.

depsreadonly (StateField<any> | "doc" | "selection" | FacetReader<any>)[],
getfn(stateEditorState) → readonly Input[]
) → Extension

Create an extension that computes zero or more values for this facet from a state.

from<T extends Input>(fieldStateField<T>) → Extension
from<T>(fieldStateField<T>, getfn(valueT) → Input) → Extension

Shorthand method for registering a facet source with a state field as input. If the field's type corresponds to this facet's input type, the getter function can be omitted. If given, it will be used to retrieve the input from the field value.

static define<Input, Output = readonly Input[]>(config⁠?: Object = {}) → Facet<Input, Output>

Define a new facet.

combine⁠?: fn(valuereadonly Input[]) → Output

How to combine the input values into a single output value. When not given, the array of input values becomes the output. This function will immediately be called on creating the facet, with an empty array, to compute the facet's default value when no inputs are present.

compare⁠?: fn(aOutput, bOutput) → boolean

How to compare output values to determine whether the value of the facet changed. Defaults to comparing by === or, if no combine function was given, comparing each element of the array with ===.

compareInput⁠?: fn(aInput, bInput) → boolean

How to compare input values to avoid recomputing the output value when no inputs changed. Defaults to comparing with ===.

static⁠?: boolean

Forbids dynamic inputs to this facet.

enables⁠?: Extension | fn(selfFacet<Input, Output>) → Extension

If given, these extension(s) (or the result of calling the given function with the facet) will be added to any state where this facet is provided. (Note that, while a facet's default value can be read from a state even if the facet wasn't present in the state at all, these extensions won't be added in that situation.)

type FacetReader<Output>

A facet reader can be used to fetch the value of a facet, through EditorState.facet or as a dependency in Facet.compute, but not to define new values for the facet.

tag: Output

Dummy tag that makes sure TypeScript doesn't consider all object types as conforming to this type. Not actually present on the object.

Prec: Object

By default extensions are registered in the order they are found in the flattened form of nested array that was provided. Individual extension values can be assigned a precedence to override this. Extensions that do not have a precedence set get the precedence of the nearest parent with a precedence, or default if there is no such parent. The final ordering of extensions is determined by first sorting by precedence and then by order within each precedence.

highest(extExtension) → Extension

The highest precedence level, for extensions that should end up near the start of the precedence ordering.

high(extExtension) → Extension

A higher-than-default precedence, for extensions that should come before those with default precedence.

default(extExtension) → Extension

The default precedence, which is also used for extensions without an explicit precedence.

low(extExtension) → Extension

A lower-than-default precedence.

lowest(extExtension) → Extension

The lowest precedence level. Meant for things that should end up near the end of the extension order.

class Compartment

Extension compartments can be used to make a configuration dynamic. By wrapping part of your configuration in a compartment, you can later replace that part through a transaction.

of(extExtension) → Extension

Create an instance of this compartment to add to your state configuration.

reconfigure(contentExtension) → StateEffect<unknown>

Create an effect that reconfigures this compartment.

get(stateEditorState) → Extension | undefined

Get the current content of the compartment in the state, or undefined if it isn't present.

Range Sets

Range sets provide a data structure that can hold a collection of tagged, possibly overlapping ranges in such a way that they can efficiently be mapped though document changes. They are used for storing things like decorations or gutter markers.

abstract class RangeValue

Each range is associated with a value, which must inherit from this class.

eq(otherRangeValue) → boolean

Compare this value with another value. Used when comparing rangesets. The default implementation compares by identity. Unless you are only creating a fixed number of unique instances of your value type, it is a good idea to implement this properly.

startSide: number

The bias value at the start of the range. Determines how the range is positioned relative to other ranges starting at this position. Defaults to 0.

endSide: number

The bias value at the end of the range. Defaults to 0.

mapMode: MapMode

The mode with which the location of the range should be mapped when its from and to are the same, to decide whether a change deletes the range. Defaults to MapMode.TrackDel.

point: boolean

Determines whether this value marks a point range. Regular ranges affect the part of the document they cover, and are meaningless when empty. Point ranges have a meaning on their own. When non-empty, a point range is treated as atomic and shadows any ranges contained in it.

range(fromnumber, to⁠?: number = from) → Range<RangeValue>

Create a range with this value.

class Range<T extends RangeValue>

A range associates a value with a range of positions.

from: number

The range's start position.

to: number

Its end position.

value: T

The value associated with this range.

class RangeSet<T extends RangeValue>

A range set stores a collection of ranges in a way that makes them efficient to map and update. This is an immutable data structure.

size: number

The number of ranges in the set.

update<U extends T>(updateSpecObject) → RangeSet<T>

Update the range set, optionally adding new ranges or filtering out existing ones.

(Note: The type parameter is just there as a kludge to work around TypeScript variance issues that prevented RangeSet<X> from being a subtype of RangeSet<Y> when X is a subtype of Y.)

add⁠?: readonly Range<U>[]

An array of ranges to add. If given, this should be sorted by from position and startSide unless sort is given as true.

sort⁠?: boolean

Indicates whether the library should sort the ranges in add. Defaults to false.

filter⁠?: fn(fromnumber, tonumber, valueU) → boolean

Filter the ranges already in the set. Only those for which this function returns true are kept.

filterFrom⁠?: number

Can be used to limit the range on which the filter is applied. Filtering only a small range, as opposed to the entire set, can make updates cheaper.

filterTo⁠?: number

The end position to apply the filter to.

map(changesChangeDesc) → RangeSet<T>

Map this range set through a set of changes, return the new set.

ffn(fromnumber, tonumber, valueT) → false | undefined

Iterate over the ranges that touch the region from to to, calling f for each. There is no guarantee that the ranges will be reported in any specific order. When the callback returns false, iteration stops.

iter(from⁠?: number = 0) → RangeCursor<T>

Iterate over the ranges in this set, in order, including all ranges that end at or after from.

static iter<T extends RangeValue>(setsreadonly RangeSet<T>[], from⁠?: number = 0) → RangeCursor<T>

Iterate over the ranges in a collection of sets, in order, starting from from.

static compare<T extends RangeValue>(
oldSetsreadonly RangeSet<T>[],
newSetsreadonly RangeSet<T>[],
minPointSize⁠?: number = -1

Iterate over two groups of sets, calling methods on comparator to notify it of possible differences.


This indicates how the underlying data changed between these ranges, and is needed to synchronize the iteration.


Can be used to ignore all non-point ranges, and points below the given size. When -1, all ranges are compared.

static eq<T extends RangeValue>(
oldSetsreadonly RangeSet<T>[],
newSetsreadonly RangeSet<T>[],
from⁠?: number = 0,
to⁠?: number
) → boolean

Compare the contents of two groups of range sets, returning true if they are equivalent in the given range.

static spans<T extends RangeValue>(
setsreadonly RangeSet<T>[],
minPointSize⁠?: number = -1
) → number

Iterate over a group of range sets at the same time, notifying the iterator about the ranges covering every given piece of content. Returns the open count (see SpanIterator.span) at the end of the iteration.


When given and greater than -1, only points of at least this size are taken into account.

static of<T extends RangeValue>(
rangesreadonly Range<T>[] | Range<T>,
sort⁠?: boolean = false
) → RangeSet<T>

Create a range set for the given range or array of ranges. By default, this expects the ranges to be sorted (by start position and, if two start at the same position, value.startSide). You can pass true as second argument to cause the method to sort them.

static join<T extends RangeValue>(setsreadonly RangeSet<T>[]) → RangeSet<T>

Join an array of range sets into a single set.

static empty: RangeSet<any>

The empty set of ranges.

interface RangeCursor<T>

A range cursor is an object that moves to the next range every time you call next on it. Note that, unlike ES6 iterators, these start out pointing at the first element, so you should call next only after reading the first range (if any).


Move the iterator forward.

value: T | null

The next range's value. Holds null when the cursor has reached its end.

from: number

The next range's start position.

to: number

The next end position.

class RangeSetBuilder<T extends RangeValue>

A range set builder is a data structure that helps build up a range set directly, without first allocating an array of Range objects.

new RangeSetBuilder()

Create an empty builder.

add(fromnumber, tonumber, valueT)

Add a range. Ranges should be added in sorted (by from and value.startSide) order.

finish() → RangeSet<T>

Finish the range set. Returns the new set. The builder can't be used anymore after this has been called.

interface RangeComparator<T extends RangeValue>

Collection of methods used when comparing range sets.


Notifies the comparator that a range (in positions in the new document) has the given sets of values associated with it, which are different in the old (A) and new (B) sets.

pointAT | null,

Notification for a changed (or inserted, or deleted) point range.

interface SpanIterator<T extends RangeValue>

Methods used when iterating over the spans created by a set of ranges. The entire iterated range will be covered with either span or point calls.

activereadonly T[],

Called for any ranges not covered by point decorations. active holds the values that the range is marked with (and may be empty). openStart indicates how many of those ranges are open (continued) at the start of the span.

activereadonly T[],

Called when going over a point decoration. The active range decorations that cover the point and have a higher precedence are provided in active. The open count in openStart counts the number of those ranges that started before the point and. If the point started before the iterated range, openStart will be active.length + 1 to signal this.


combineConfig<Config extends object>(
configsreadonly Partial<Config>[],
combine⁠?: {
[P in keyof Config]: fn(firstConfig[P], secondConfig[P]) → Config[P]
} = {}
) → Config

Utility function for combining behaviors to fill in a config object from an array of provided configs. defaults should hold default values for all optional fields in Config.

The function will, by default, error when a field gets two values that aren't ===-equal, but you can provide combine functions per field to do something else.


The “view” is the part of the editor that the user sees—a DOM component that displays the editor state and allows text input.

interface EditorViewConfig extends EditorStateConfig

The type of object given to the EditorView constructor.

state⁠?: EditorState

The view's initial state. If not given, a new state is created by passing this configuration object to EditorState.create, using its doc, selection, and extensions field (if provided).

parent⁠?: Element | DocumentFragment

When given, the editor is immediately appended to the given element on creation. (Otherwise, you'll have to place the view's dom element in the document yourself.)

root⁠?: Document | ShadowRoot

If the view is going to be mounted in a shadow root or document other than the one held by the global variable document (the default), you should pass it here. If you provide parent, but not this option, the editor will automatically look up a root from the parent.

scrollTo⁠?: StateEffect<any>

Pass an effect created with EditorView.scrollIntoView or EditorView.scrollSnapshot here to set an initial scroll position.

dispatchTransactions⁠?: fn(trsreadonly Transaction[], viewEditorView)

Override the way transactions are dispatched for this editor view. Your implementation, if provided, should probably call the view's update method.

dispatch⁠?: fn(trTransaction, viewEditorView)

Deprecated single-transaction version of dispatchTransactions. Will force transactions to be dispatched one at a time when used.

class EditorView

An editor view represents the editor's user interface. It holds the editable DOM surface, and possibly other elements such as the line number gutter. It handles events and dispatches state transactions for editing actions.

new EditorView(config⁠?: EditorViewConfig = {})

Construct a new view. You'll want to either provide a parent option, or put view.dom into your document after creating a view, so that the user can see the editor.

state: EditorState

The current editor state.

viewport: {fromnumber, tonumber}

To be able to display large documents without consuming too much memory or overloading the browser, CodeMirror only draws the code that is visible (plus a margin around it) to the DOM. This property tells you the extent of the current drawn viewport, in document positions.

visibleRanges: readonly {fromnumber, tonumber}[]

When there are, for example, large collapsed ranges in the viewport, its size can be a lot bigger than the actual visible content. Thus, if you are doing something like styling the content in the viewport, it is preferable to only do so for these ranges, which are the subset of the viewport that is actually drawn.

inView: boolean

Returns false when the editor is entirely scrolled out of view or otherwise hidden.

composing: boolean

Indicates whether the user is currently composing text via IME, and at least one change has been made in the current composition.

compositionStarted: boolean

Indicates whether the user is currently in composing state. Note that on some platforms, like Android, this will be the case a lot, since just putting the cursor on a word starts a composition there.

root: DocumentOrShadowRoot

The document or shadow root that the view lives in.

dom: HTMLElement

The DOM element that wraps the entire editor view.

scrollDOM: HTMLElement

The DOM element that can be styled to scroll. (Note that it may not have been, so you can't assume this is scrollable.)

contentDOM: HTMLElement

The editable DOM element holding the editor content. You should not, usually, interact with this content directly though the DOM, since the editor will immediately undo most of the changes you make. Instead, dispatch transactions to modify content, and decorations to style it.

dispatch(trsreadonly Transaction[])

All regular editor state updates should go through this. It takes a transaction, array of transactions, or transaction spec and updates the view to show the new state produced by that transaction. Its implementation can be overridden with an option. This function is bound to the view instance, so it does not have to be called as a method.

Note that when multiple TransactionSpec arguments are provided, these define a single transaction (the specs will be merged), not a sequence of transactions.

update(transactionsreadonly Transaction[])

Update the view for the given array of transactions. This will update the visible document and selection to match the state produced by the transactions, and notify view plugins of the change. You should usually call dispatch instead, which uses this as a primitive.


Reset the view to the given state. (This will cause the entire document to be redrawn and all view plugins to be reinitialized, so you should probably only use it when the new state isn't derived from the old state. Otherwise, use dispatch instead.)

themeClasses: string

Get the CSS classes for the currently active editor themes.

requestMeasure<T>(request⁠?: Object)

Schedule a layout measurement, optionally providing callbacks to do custom DOM measuring followed by a DOM write phase. Using this is preferable reading DOM layout directly from, for example, an event handler, because it'll make sure measuring and drawing done by other components is synchronized, avoiding unnecessary DOM layout computations.

read(viewEditorView) → T

Called in a DOM read phase to gather information that requires DOM layout. Should not mutate the document.

write⁠?: fn(measureT, viewEditorView)

Called in a DOM write phase to update the document. Should not do anything that triggers DOM layout.

key⁠?: any

When multiple requests with the same key are scheduled, only the last one will actually be run.

plugin<T extends PluginValue>(pluginViewPlugin<T>) → T | null

Get the value of a specific plugin, if present. Note that plugins that crash can be dropped from a view, so even when you know you registered a given plugin, it is recommended to check the return value of this method.

documentTop: number

The top position of the document, in screen coordinates. This may be negative when the editor is scrolled down. Points directly to the top of the first line, not above the padding.

documentPadding: {topnumber, bottomnumber}

Reports the padding above and below the document.

scaleX: number

If the editor is transformed with CSS, this provides the scale along the X axis. Otherwise, it will just be 1. Note that transforms other than translation and scaling are not supported.

scaleY: number

Provide the CSS transformed scale along the Y axis.

elementAtHeight(heightnumber) → BlockInfo

Find the text line or block widget at the given vertical position (which is interpreted as relative to the top of the document).

lineBlockAtHeight(heightnumber) → BlockInfo

Find the line block (see lineBlockAt at the given height, again interpreted relative to the top of the document.

viewportLineBlocks: BlockInfo[]

Get the extent and vertical position of all line blocks in the viewport. Positions are relative to the top of the document;

lineBlockAt(posnumber) → BlockInfo

Find the line block around the given document position. A line block is a range delimited on both sides by either a non-hidden line break, or the start/end of the document. It will usually just hold a line of text, but may be broken into multiple textblocks by block widgets.

contentHeight: number

The editor's total content height.

by⁠?: fn(initialstring) → fn(nextstring) → boolean
) → SelectionRange

Move a cursor position by grapheme cluster. forward determines whether the motion is away from the line start, or towards it. In bidirectional text, the line is traversed in visual order, using the editor's text direction. When the start position was the last one on the line, the returned position will be across the line break. If there is no further line, the original position is returned.

By default, this method moves over a single cluster. The optional by argument can be used to move across more. It will be called with the first cluster as argument, and should return a predicate that determines, for each subsequent cluster, whether it should also be moved over.

moveByGroup(startSelectionRange, forwardboolean) → SelectionRange

Move a cursor position across the next group of either letters or non-letter non-whitespace characters.

visualLineSide(lineLine, endboolean) → SelectionRange

Get the cursor position visually at the start or end of a line. Note that this may differ from the logical position at its start or end (which is simply at line.from/ if text at the start or end goes against the line's base text direction.

includeWrap⁠?: boolean = true
) → SelectionRange

Move to the next line boundary in the given direction. If includeWrap is true, line wrapping is on, and there is a further wrap point on the current line, the wrap point will be returned. Otherwise this function will return the start or end of the line.

moveVertically() → SelectionRange

Move a cursor position vertically. When distance isn't given, it defaults to moving to the next line (including wrapped lines). Otherwise, distance should provide a positive distance in pixels.

When start has a goalColumn, the vertical motion will use that as a target horizontal position. Otherwise, the cursor's own horizontal position is used. The returned cursor will have its goal column set to whichever column was used.

domAtPos(posnumber) → {nodeNode, offsetnumber}

Find the DOM parent node and offset (child offset if node is an element, character offset when it is a text node) at the given document position.

Note that for positions that aren't currently in visibleRanges, the resulting DOM position isn't necessarily meaningful (it may just point before or after a placeholder element).

posAtDOM(nodeNode, offset⁠?: number = 0) → number

Find the document position at the given DOM node. Can be useful for associating positions with DOM events. Will raise an error when node isn't part of the editor content.

posAtCoords(coords: {xnumber, ynumber}, precisefalse) → number
posAtCoords(coords: {xnumber, ynumber}) → number | null

Get the document position at the given screen coordinates. For positions not covered by the visible viewport's DOM structure, this will return null, unless false is passed as second argument, in which case it'll return an estimated position that would be near the coordinates if it were rendered.

coordsAtPos(posnumber, side⁠?: -1 | 1 = 1) → Rect | null

Get the screen coordinates at the given document position. side determines whether the coordinates are based on the element before (-1) or after (1) the position (if no element is available on the given side, the method will transparently use another strategy to get reasonable coordinates).

coordsForChar(posnumber) → Rect | null

Return the rectangle around a given character. If pos does not point in front of a character that is in the viewport and rendered (i.e. not replaced, not a line break), this will return null. For space characters that are a line wrap point, this will return the position before the line break.

defaultCharacterWidth: number

The default width of a character in the editor. May not accurately reflect the width of all characters (given variable width fonts or styling of invididual ranges).

defaultLineHeight: number

The default height of a line in the editor. May not be accurate for all lines.

textDirection: Direction

The text direction (direction CSS property) of the editor's content element.

textDirectionAt(posnumber) → Direction

Find the text direction of the block at the given position, as assigned by CSS. If perLineTextDirection isn't enabled, or the given position is outside of the viewport, this will always return the same as textDirection. Note that this may trigger a DOM layout.

lineWrapping: boolean

Whether this editor wraps lines (as determined by the white-space CSS property of its content element).

bidiSpans(lineLine) → readonly BidiSpan[]

Returns the bidirectional text structure of the given line (which should be in the current document) as an array of span objects. The order of these spans matches the text direction—if that is left-to-right, the leftmost spans come first, otherwise the rightmost spans come first.

hasFocus: boolean

Check whether the editor has focus.


Put focus on the editor.

setRoot(rootDocument | ShadowRoot)

Update the root in which the editor lives. This is only necessary when moving the editor's existing DOM to a new window or shadow root.


Clean up this editor view, removing its element from the document, unregistering event handlers, and notifying plugins. The view instance can no longer be used after calling this.

scrollSnapshot() → StateEffect<
y"nearest" | "start" | "end" | "center",
x"nearest" | "start" | "end" | "center",
mapfn(changesChangeDesc) → Object,
clipfn(stateEditorState) → Object

Return an effect that resets the editor to its current (at the time this method was called) scroll position. Note that this only affects the editor's own scrollable element, not parents. See also EditorViewConfig.scrollTo.

The effect should be used with a document identical to the one it was created for. Failing to do so is not an error, but may not scroll to the expected position. You can map the effect to account for changes.

setTabFocusMode(to⁠?: boolean | number)

Enable or disable tab-focus mode, which disables key bindings for Tab and Shift-Tab, letting the browser's default focus-changing behavior go through instead. This is useful to prevent trapping keyboard users in your editor.

Without argument, this toggles the mode. With a boolean, it enables (true) or disables it (false). Given a number, it temporarily enables the mode until that number of milliseconds have passed or another non-Tab key is pressed.

static scrollIntoView(posnumber | SelectionRange, options⁠?: Object = {}) → StateEffect<unknown>

Returns an effect that can be added to a transaction to cause it to scroll the given position or range into view.

y⁠?: "nearest" | "start" | "end" | "center"

By default ("nearest") the position will be vertically scrolled only the minimal amount required to move the given position into view. You can set this to "start" to move it to the top of the view, "end" to move it to the bottom, or "center" to move it to the center.

x⁠?: "nearest" | "start" | "end" | "center"

Effect similar to y, but for the horizontal scroll position.

yMargin⁠?: number

Extra vertical distance to add when moving something into view. Not used with the "center" strategy. Defaults to 5. Must be less than the height of the editor.

xMargin⁠?: number

Extra horizontal distance to add. Not used with the "center" strategy. Defaults to 5. Must be less than the width of the editor.

static styleModule: Facet<StyleModule>

Facet to add a style module to an editor view. The view will ensure that the module is mounted in its document root.

static domEventHandlers(handlersDOMEventHandlers<any>) → Extension

Returns an extension that can be used to add DOM event handlers. The value should be an object mapping event names to handler functions. For any given event, such functions are ordered by extension precedence, and the first handler to return true will be assumed to have handled that event, and no other handlers or built-in behavior will be activated for it. These are registered on the content element, except for scroll handlers, which will be called any time the editor's scroll element or one of its parent nodes is scrolled.

static domEventObservers(observersDOMEventHandlers<any>) → Extension

Create an extension that registers DOM event observers. Contrary to event handlers, observers can't be prevented from running by a higher-precedence handler returning true. They also don't prevent other handlers and observers from running when they return true, and should not call preventDefault.

static inputHandler: Facet<>

An input handler can override the way changes to the editable DOM content are handled. Handlers are passed the document positions between which the change was found, and the new content. When one returns true, no further input handlers are called and the default behavior is prevented.

The insert argument can be used to get the default transaction that would be applied for this input. This can be useful when dispatching the custom behavior as a separate transaction.

static clipboardInputFilter: Facet<fn(textstring, stateEditorState) → string>

Functions provided in this facet will be used to transform text pasted or dropped into the editor.

static clipboardOutputFilter: Facet<fn(textstring, stateEditorState) → string>

Transform text copied or dragged from the editor.

static scrollHandler: Facet<
options: {
x"nearest" | "start" | "end" | "center",
y"nearest" | "start" | "end" | "center",
) → boolean

Scroll handlers can override how things are scrolled into view. If they return true, no further handling happens for the scrolling. If they return false, the default scroll behavior is applied. Scroll handlers should never initiate editor updates.

static focusChangeEffect: Facet<>

This facet can be used to provide functions that create effects to be dispatched when the editor's focus state changes.

static perLineTextDirection: Facet<boolean, boolean>

By default, the editor assumes all its content has the same text direction. Configure this with a true value to make it read the text direction of every (rendered) line separately.

static exceptionSink: Facet<fn(exceptionany)>

Allows you to provide a function that should be called when the library catches an exception from an extension (mostly from view plugins, but may be used by other extensions to route exceptions from user-code-provided callbacks). This is mostly useful for debugging and logging. See logException.

static updateListener: Facet<fn(updateViewUpdate)>

A facet that can be used to register a function to be called every time the view updates.

static editable: Facet<boolean, boolean>

Facet that controls whether the editor content DOM is editable. When its highest-precedence value is false, the element will not have its contenteditable attribute set. (Note that this doesn't affect API calls that change the editor content, even when those are bound to keys or buttons. See the readOnly facet for that.)

static mouseSelectionStyle: Facet<>

Allows you to influence the way mouse selection happens. The functions in this facet will be called for a mousedown event on the editor, and can return an object that overrides the way a selection is computed from that mouse click or drag.

static dragMovesSelection: Facet<fn(eventMouseEvent) → boolean>

Facet used to configure whether a given selection drag event should move or copy the selection. The given predicate will be called with the mousedown event, and can return true when the drag should move the content.

static clickAddsSelectionRange: Facet<fn(eventMouseEvent) → boolean>

Facet used to configure whether a given selecting click adds a new range to the existing selection or replaces it entirely. The default behavior is to check event.metaKey on macOS, and event.ctrlKey elsewhere.

static decorations: Facet<DecorationSet | fn(viewEditorView) → DecorationSet>

A facet that determines which decorations are shown in the view. Decorations can be provided in two ways—directly, or via a function that takes an editor view.

Only decoration sets provided directly are allowed to influence the editor's vertical layout structure. The ones provided as functions are called after the new viewport has been computed, and thus must not introduce block widgets or replacing decorations that cover line breaks.

If you want decorated ranges to behave like atomic units for cursor motion and deletion purposes, also provide the range set containing the decorations to EditorView.atomicRanges.

static outerDecorations: Facet<DecorationSet | fn(viewEditorView) → DecorationSet>

Facet that works much like decorations, but puts its inputs at the very bottom of the precedence stack, meaning mark decorations provided here will only be split by other, partially overlapping `outerDecorations` ranges, and wrap around all regular decorations. Use this for mark elements that should, as much as possible, remain in one piece.

static atomicRanges: Facet<fn(viewEditorView) → RangeSet<any>>

Used to provide ranges that should be treated as atoms as far as cursor motion is concerned. This causes methods like moveByChar and moveVertically (and the commands built on top of them) to skip across such regions when a selection endpoint would enter them. This does not prevent direct programmatic selection updates from moving into such regions.

static bidiIsolatedRanges: Facet<DecorationSet | fn(viewEditorView) → DecorationSet>

When range decorations add a unicode-bidi: isolate style, they should also include a bidiIsolate property in their decoration spec, and be exposed through this facet, so that the editor can compute the proper text order. (Other values for unicode-bidi, except of course normal, are not supported.)

static scrollMargins: Facet<fn(viewEditorView) → Partial<Rect> | null>

Facet that allows extensions to provide additional scroll margins (space around the sides of the scrolling element that should be considered invisible). This can be useful when the plugin introduces elements that cover part of that element (for example a horizontally fixed gutter).

static theme(specObject<StyleSpec>, options⁠?: {dark⁠?: boolean}) → Extension

Create a theme extension. The first argument can be a style-mod style spec providing the styles for the theme. These will be prefixed with a generated class for the style.

Because the selectors will be prefixed with a scope class, rule that directly match the editor's wrapper element—to which the scope class will be added—need to be explicitly differentiated by adding an & to the selector for that element—for example &.cm-focused.

When dark is set to true, the theme will be marked as dark, which will cause the &dark rules from base themes to be used (as opposed to &light when a light theme is active).

static darkTheme: Facet<boolean, boolean>

This facet records whether a dark theme is active. The extension returned by theme automatically includes an instance of this when the dark option is set to true.

static baseTheme(specObject<StyleSpec>) → Extension

Create an extension that adds styles to the base theme. Like with theme, use & to indicate the place of the editor wrapper element when directly targeting that. You can also use &dark or &light instead to only target editors with a dark or light theme.

static cspNonce: Facet<string, string>

Provides a Content Security Policy nonce to use when creating the style sheets for the editor. Holds the empty string when no nonce has been provided.

static contentAttributes: Facet<>

Facet that provides additional DOM attributes for the editor's editable DOM element.

static editorAttributes: Facet<>

Facet that provides DOM attributes for the editor's outer element.

static lineWrapping: Extension

An extension that enables line wrapping in the editor (by setting CSS white-space to pre-wrap in the content).

static announce: StateEffectType<string>

State effect used to include screen reader announcements in a transaction. These will be added to the DOM in a visually hidden element with aria-live="polite" set, and should be used to describe effects that are visually obvious but may not be noticed by screen reader users (such as moving to the next search match).

static findFromDOM(domHTMLElement) → EditorView | null

Retrieve an editor view instance from the view's DOM representation.

enum Direction

Used to indicate text direction.





class BlockInfo

Record used to represent information about a block-level element in the editor view.

from: number

The start of the element in the document.

length: number

The length of the element.

top: number

The top position of the element (relative to the top of the document).

height: number

Its height.

type: BlockType | readonly BlockInfo[]

The type of element this is. When querying lines, this may be an array of all the blocks that make up the line.

to: number

The end of the element as a document position.

bottom: number

The bottom position of the element.

widget: WidgetType | null

If this is a widget block, this will return the widget associated with it.

widgetLineBreaks: number

If this is a textblock, this holds the number of line breaks that appear in widgets inside the block.

enum BlockType

The different types of blocks that can occur in an editor view.


A line of text.


A block widget associated with the position after it.


A block widget associated with the position before it.


A block widget replacing a range of content.

class BidiSpan

Represents a contiguous range of text that has a single direction (as in left-to-right or right-to-left).

dir: Direction

The direction of this span.

from: number

The start of the span (relative to the start of the line).

to: number

The end of the span.

level: number

The "bidi level" of the span (in this context, 0 means left-to-right, 1 means right-to-left, 2 means left-to-right number inside right-to-left text).

type DOMEventHandlers<This> = {}

Event handlers are specified with objects like this. For event types known by TypeScript, this will infer the event argument type to hold the appropriate event object type. For unknown events, it is inferred to any, and should be explicitly set if you want type checking.

interface DOMEventMap extends HTMLElementEventMap

Helper type that maps event names to event object types, or the any type for unknown events.

[string]: any

interface Rect

Basic rectangle type.

left: number
right: number
top: number
bottom: number

Extending the View

type Command = fn(targetEditorView) → boolean

Command functions are used in key bindings and other types of user actions. Given an editor view, they check whether their effect can apply to the editor, and if it can, perform it as a side effect (which usually means dispatching a transaction) and return true.

class ViewPlugin<V extends PluginValue>

View plugins associate stateful values with a view. They can influence the way the content is drawn, and are notified of things that happen in the view.

extension: Extension

Instances of this class act as extensions.

static define<V extends PluginValue>(createfn(viewEditorView) → V, spec⁠?: PluginSpec<V>) → ViewPlugin<V>

Define a plugin from a constructor function that creates the plugin's value, given an editor view.

static fromClass<V extends PluginValue>(cls: {new (viewEditorView) → V}, spec⁠?: PluginSpec<V>) → ViewPlugin<V>

Create a plugin for a class whose constructor takes a single editor view as argument.

interface PluginValue extends Object

This is the interface plugin objects conform to.

update⁠?: fn(updateViewUpdate)

Notifies the plugin of an update that happened in the view. This is called before the view updates its own DOM. It is responsible for updating the plugin's internal state (including any state that may be read by plugin fields) and writing to the DOM for the changes in the update. To avoid unnecessary layout recomputations, it should not read the DOM layout—use requestMeasure to schedule your code in a DOM reading phase if you need to.

docViewUpdate⁠?: fn(viewEditorView)

Called when the document view is updated (due to content, decoration, or viewport changes). Should not try to immediately start another view update. Often useful for calling requestMeasure.

destroy⁠?: fn()

Called when the plugin is no longer going to be used. Should revert any changes the plugin made to the DOM.

interface PluginSpec<V extends PluginValue>

Provides additional information when defining a view plugin.

eventHandlers⁠?: DOMEventHandlers<V>

Register the given event handlers for the plugin. When called, these will have their this bound to the plugin value.

eventObservers⁠?: DOMEventHandlers<V>

Registers event observers for the plugin. Will, when called, have their this bound to the plugin value.

provide⁠?: fn(pluginViewPlugin<V>) → Extension

Specify that the plugin provides additional extensions when added to an editor configuration.

decorations⁠?: fn(valueV) → DecorationSet

Allow the plugin to provide decorations. When given, this should be a function that take the plugin value and return a decoration set. See also the caveat about layout-changing decorations that depend on the view.

class ViewUpdate

View plugins are given instances of this class, which describe what happened, whenever the view is updated.

changes: ChangeSet

The changes made to the document by this update.

startState: EditorState

The previous editor state.

view: EditorView

The editor view that the update is associated with.

state: EditorState

The new editor state.

transactions: readonly Transaction[]

The transactions involved in the update. May be empty.

viewportChanged: boolean

Tells you whether the viewport or visible ranges changed in this update.

heightChanged: boolean

Indicates whether the height of a block element in the editor changed in this update.

geometryChanged: boolean

Returns true when the document was modified or the size of the editor, or elements within the editor, changed.

focusChanged: boolean

True when this update indicates a focus change.

docChanged: boolean

Whether the document changed in this update.

selectionSet: boolean

Whether the selection was explicitly set in this update.

logException(stateEditorState, exceptionany, context⁠?: string)

Log or report an unhandled exception in client code. Should probably only be used by extension code that allows client code to provide functions, and calls those functions in a context where an exception can't be propagated to calling code in a reasonable way (for example when in an event handler).

Either calls a handler registered with EditorView.exceptionSink, window.onerror, if defined, or console.error (in which case it'll pass context, when given, as first argument).

interface MouseSelectionStyle

Interface that objects registered with EditorView.mouseSelectionStyle must conform to.

get() → EditorSelection

Return a new selection for the mouse gesture that starts with the event that was originally given to the constructor, and ends with the event passed here. In case of a plain click, those may both be the mousedown event, in case of a drag gesture, the latest mousemove event will be passed.

When extend is true, that means the new selection should, if possible, extend the start selection. If multiple is true, the new selection should be added to the original selection.

update(updateViewUpdate) → boolean | undefined

Called when the view is updated while the gesture is in progress. When the document changes, it may be necessary to map some data (like the original selection or start position) through the changes.

This may return true to indicate that the get method should get queried again after the update, because something in the update could change its result. Be wary of infinite loops when using this (where get returns a new selection, which will trigger update, which schedules another get in response).

drawSelection(config⁠?: Object = {}) → Extension

Returns an extension that hides the browser's native selection and cursor, replacing the selection with a background behind the text (with the cm-selectionBackground class), and the cursors with elements overlaid over the code (using cm-cursor-primary and cm-cursor-secondary).

This allows the editor to display secondary selection ranges, and tends to produce a type of selection more in line with that users expect in a text editor (the native selection styling will often leave gaps between lines and won't fill the horizontal space after a line when the selection continues past it).

It does have a performance cost, in that it requires an extra DOM layout cycle for many updates (the selection is drawn based on DOM layout information that's only available after laying out the content).

cursorBlinkRate⁠?: number

The length of a full cursor blink cycle, in milliseconds. Defaults to 1200. Can be set to 0 to disable blinking.

drawRangeCursor⁠?: boolean

Whether to show a cursor for non-empty ranges. Defaults to true.

getDrawSelectionConfig(stateEditorState) → Object

Retrieve the drawSelection configuration for this state. (Note that this will return a set of defaults even if drawSelection isn't enabled.)

dropCursor() → Extension

Draws a cursor at the current drop position when something is dragged over the editor.

highlightActiveLine() → Extension

Mark lines that have a cursor on them with the "cm-activeLine" DOM class.

highlightSpecialChars(config⁠?: Object = {}) → Extension

Returns an extension that installs highlighting of special characters.


Configuration options.

render⁠?: fn() → HTMLElement

An optional function that renders the placeholder elements.

The description argument will be text that clarifies what the character is, which should be provided to screen readers (for example with the aria-label attribute) and optionally shown to the user in other ways (such as the title attribute).

The given placeholder string is a suggestion for how to display the character visually.

specialChars⁠?: RegExp

Regular expression that matches the special characters to highlight. Must have its 'g'/global flag set.

addSpecialChars⁠?: RegExp

Regular expression that can be used to add characters to the default set of characters to highlight.

highlightWhitespace() → Extension

Returns an extension that highlights whitespace, adding a cm-highlightSpace class to stretches of spaces, and a cm-highlightTab class to individual tab characters. By default, the former are shown as faint dots, and the latter as arrows.

highlightTrailingWhitespace() → Extension

Returns an extension that adds a cm-trailingSpace class to all trailing whitespace.

placeholder() → Extension

Extension that enables a placeholder—a piece of example content to show when the editor is empty.

scrollPastEnd() → Extension

Returns an extension that makes sure the content has a bottom margin equivalent to the height of the editor, minus one line height, so that every line in the document can be scrolled to the top of the editor.

This is only meaningful when the editor is scrollable, and should not be enabled in editors that take the size of their content.

Key bindings

interface KeyBinding

Key bindings associate key names with command-style functions.

Key names may be strings like "Shift-Ctrl-Enter"—a key identifier prefixed with zero or more modifiers. Key identifiers are based on the strings that can appear in KeyEvent.key. Use lowercase letters to refer to letter keys (or uppercase letters if you want shift to be held). You may use "Space" as an alias for the " " name.

Modifiers can be given in any order. Shift- (or s-), Alt- (or a-), Ctrl- (or c- or Control-) and Cmd- (or m- or Meta-) are recognized.

When a key binding contains multiple key names separated by spaces, it represents a multi-stroke binding, which will fire when the user presses the given keys after each other.

You can use Mod- as a shorthand for Cmd- on Mac and Ctrl- on other platforms. So Mod-b is Ctrl-b on Linux but Cmd-b on macOS.

key⁠?: string

The key name to use for this binding. If the platform-specific property (mac, win, or linux) for the current platform is used as well in the binding, that one takes precedence. If key isn't defined and the platform-specific binding isn't either, a binding is ignored.

mac⁠?: string

Key to use specifically on macOS.

win⁠?: string

Key to use specifically on Windows.

linux⁠?: string

Key to use specifically on Linux.

run⁠?: Command

The command to execute when this binding is triggered. When the command function returns false, further bindings will be tried for the key.

shift⁠?: Command

When given, this defines a second binding, using the (possibly platform-specific) key name prefixed with Shift- to activate this command.

any⁠?: fn(viewEditorView, eventKeyboardEvent) → boolean

When this property is present, the function is called for every key that is not a multi-stroke prefix.

scope⁠?: string

By default, key bindings apply when focus is on the editor content (the "editor" scope). Some extensions, mostly those that define their own panels, might want to allow you to register bindings local to that panel. Such bindings should use a custom scope name. You may also assign multiple scope names to a binding, separating them by spaces.

preventDefault⁠?: boolean

When set to true (the default is false), this will always prevent the further handling for the bound key, even if the command(s) return false. This can be useful for cases where the native behavior of the key is annoying or irrelevant but the command doesn't always apply (such as, Mod-u for undo selection, which would cause the browser to view source instead when no selection can be undone).

stopPropagation⁠?: boolean

When set to true, stopPropagation will be called on keyboard events that have their preventDefault called in response to this key binding (see also preventDefault).

keymap: Facet<readonly KeyBinding[]>

Facet used for registering keymaps.

You can add multiple keymaps to an editor. Their priorities determine their precedence (the ones specified early or with high priority get checked first). When a handler has returned true for a given key, no further handlers are called.

runScopeHandlers(viewEditorView, eventKeyboardEvent, scopestring) → boolean

Run the key handlers registered for a given scope. The event object should be a "keydown" event. Returns true if any of the handlers handled it.


Your code should not try to directly change the DOM structure CodeMirror creates for its content—that will not work. Instead, the way to influence how things are drawn is by providing decorations, which can add styling or replace content with an alternative representation.

class Decoration extends RangeValue

A decoration provides information on how to draw or style a piece of content. You'll usually use it wrapped in a Range, which adds a start and end position.

spec: any

The config object used to create this decoration. You can include additional properties in there to store metadata about your decoration.

static mark(specObject) → Decoration

Create a mark decoration, which influences the styling of the content in its range. Nested mark decorations will cause nested DOM elements to be created. Nesting order is determined by precedence of the facet, with the higher-precedence decorations creating the inner DOM nodes. Such elements are split on line boundaries and on the boundaries of lower-precedence decorations.

inclusive⁠?: boolean

Whether the mark covers its start and end position or not. This influences whether content inserted at those positions becomes part of the mark. Defaults to false.

inclusiveStart⁠?: boolean

Specify whether the start position of the marked range should be inclusive. Overrides inclusive, when both are present.

inclusiveEnd⁠?: boolean

Whether the end should be inclusive.

attributes⁠?: Object<string>

Add attributes to the DOM elements that hold the text in the marked range.

class⁠?: string

Shorthand for {attributes: {class: value}}.

tagName⁠?: string

Add a wrapping element around the text in the marked range. Note that there will not necessarily be a single element covering the entire range—other decorations with lower precedence might split this one if they partially overlap it, and line breaks always end decoration elements.

bidiIsolate⁠?: Direction

When using sets of decorations in bidiIsolatedRanges, this property provides the direction of the isolates. When null or not given, it indicates the range has dir=auto, and its direction should be derived from the first strong directional character in it.

[string]: any

Decoration specs allow extra properties, which can be retrieved through the decoration's spec property.

static widget(specObject) → Decoration

Create a widget decoration, which displays a DOM element at the given position.

widget: WidgetType

The type of widget to draw here.

side⁠?: number

Which side of the given position the widget is on. When this is positive, the widget will be drawn after the cursor if the cursor is on the same position. Otherwise, it'll be drawn before it. When multiple widgets sit at the same position, their side values will determine their ordering—those with a lower value come first. Defaults to 0. May not be more than 10000 or less than -10000.

inlineOrder⁠?: boolean

By default, to avoid unintended mixing of block and inline widgets, block widgets with a positive side are always drawn after all inline widgets at that position, and those with a non-positive side before inline widgets. Setting this option to true for a block widget will turn this off and cause it to be rendered between the inline widgets, ordered by side.

block⁠?: boolean

Determines whether this is a block widgets, which will be drawn between lines, or an inline widget (the default) which is drawn between the surrounding text.

Note that block-level decorations should not have vertical margins, and if you dynamically change their height, you should make sure to call requestMeasure, so that the editor can update its information about its vertical layout.

[string]: any

Other properties are allowed.

static replace(specObject) → Decoration

Create a replace decoration which replaces the given range with a widget, or simply hides it.

widget⁠?: WidgetType

An optional widget to drawn in the place of the replaced content.

inclusive⁠?: boolean

Whether this range covers the positions on its sides. This influences whether new content becomes part of the range and whether the cursor can be drawn on its sides. Defaults to false for inline replacements, and true for block replacements.

inclusiveStart⁠?: boolean

Set inclusivity at the start.

inclusiveEnd⁠?: boolean

Set inclusivity at the end.

block⁠?: boolean

Whether this is a block-level decoration. Defaults to false.

[string]: any

Other properties are allowed.

static line(specObject) → Decoration

Create a line decoration, which can add DOM attributes to the line starting at the given position.

attributes⁠?: Object<string>

DOM attributes to add to the element wrapping the line.

class⁠?: string

Shorthand for {attributes: {class: value}}.

[string]: any

Other properties are allowed.

static set(
ofRange<Decoration> | readonly Range<Decoration>[],
sort⁠?: boolean = false
) → DecorationSet

Build a DecorationSet from the given decorated range or ranges. If the ranges aren't already sorted, pass true for sort to make the library sort them for you.

static none: DecorationSet

The empty set of decorations.

type DecorationSet = RangeSet<Decoration>

A decoration set represents a collection of decorated ranges, organized for efficient access and mapping. See RangeSet for its methods.

abstract class WidgetType

Widgets added to the content are described by subclasses of this class. Using a description object like that makes it possible to delay creating of the DOM structure for a widget until it is needed, and to avoid redrawing widgets even if the decorations that define them are recreated.

abstract toDOM(viewEditorView) → HTMLElement

Build the DOM structure for this widget instance.

eq(widgetWidgetType) → boolean

Compare this instance to another instance of the same type. (TypeScript can't express this, but only instances of the same specific class will be passed to this method.) This is used to avoid redrawing widgets when they are replaced by a new decoration of the same type. The default implementation just returns false, which will cause new instances of the widget to always be redrawn.

updateDOM(domHTMLElement, viewEditorView) → boolean

Update a DOM element created by a widget of the same type (but different, non-eq content) to reflect this widget. May return true to indicate that it could update, false to indicate it couldn't (in which case the widget will be redrawn). The default implementation just returns false.

estimatedHeight: number

The estimated height this widget will have, to be used when estimating the height of content that hasn't been drawn. May return -1 to indicate you don't know. The default implementation returns -1.

lineBreaks: number

For inline widgets that are displayed inline (as opposed to inline-block) and introduce line breaks (through <br> tags or textual newlines), this must indicate the amount of line breaks they introduce. Defaults to 0.

ignoreEvent(eventEvent) → boolean

Can be used to configure which kinds of events inside the widget should be ignored by the editor. The default is to ignore all events.

coordsAt(domHTMLElement, posnumber, sidenumber) → Rect | null

Override the way screen coordinates for positions at/in the widget are found. pos will be the offset into the widget, and side the side of the position that is being queried—less than zero for before, greater than zero for after, and zero for directly at that position.


This is called when the an instance of the widget is removed from the editor view.

class MatchDecorator

Helper class used to make it easier to maintain decorations on visible code that matches a given regular expression. To be used in a view plugin. Instances of this object represent a matching configuration.

new MatchDecorator(configObject)

Create a decorator.

regexp: RegExp

The regular expression to match against the content. Will only be matched inside lines (not across them). Should have its 'g' flag set.

decoration⁠?: Decoration |

The decoration to apply to matches, either directly or as a function of the match.

decorate⁠?: fn()

Customize the way decorations are added for matches. This function, when given, will be called for matches and should call add to create decorations for them. Note that the decorations should appear in the given range, and the function should have no side effects beyond calling add.

The decoration option is ignored when decorate is provided.

boundary⁠?: RegExp

By default, changed lines are re-matched entirely. You can provide a boundary expression, which should match single character strings that can never occur in regexp, to reduce the amount of re-matching.

maxLength⁠?: number

Matching happens by line, by default, but when lines are folded or very long lines are only partially drawn, the decorator may avoid matching part of them for speed. This controls how much additional invisible content it should include in its matches. Defaults to 1000.

createDeco(viewEditorView) → RangeSet<Decoration>

Compute the full set of decorations for matches in the given view's viewport. You'll want to call this when initializing your plugin.

updateDeco(updateViewUpdate, decoDecorationSet) → DecorationSet

Update a set of decorations for a view update. deco must be the set of decorations produced by this MatchDecorator for the view state before the update.


Functionality for showing "gutters" (for line numbers or other purposes) on the side of the editor. See also the gutter example.

lineNumbers(config⁠?: Object = {}) → Extension

Create a line number gutter extension.

formatNumber⁠?: fn(lineNonumber, stateEditorState) → string

How to display line numbers. Defaults to simply converting them to string.

domEventHandlers⁠?: Object<>

Supply event handlers for DOM events on this gutter.

highlightActiveLineGutter() → Extension

Returns an extension that adds a cm-activeLineGutter class to all gutter elements on the active line.

gutter(configObject) → Extension

Define an editor gutter. The order in which the gutters appear is determined by their extension priority.

class⁠?: string

An extra CSS class to be added to the wrapper (cm-gutter) element.

renderEmptyElements⁠?: boolean

Controls whether empty gutter elements should be rendered. Defaults to false.

markers⁠?: fn(viewEditorView) → RangeSet<GutterMarker> |
readonly RangeSet<GutterMarker>[]

Retrieve a set of markers to use in this gutter.

lineMarker⁠?: fn() → GutterMarker | null

Can be used to optionally add a single marker to every line.

widgetMarker⁠?: fn(viewEditorView, widgetWidgetType, blockBlockInfo) → GutterMarker | null

Associate markers with block widgets in the document.

lineMarkerChange⁠?: fn(updateViewUpdate) → boolean

If line or widget markers depend on additional state, and should be updated when that changes, pass a predicate here that checks whether a given view update might change the line markers.

initialSpacer⁠?: fn(viewEditorView) → GutterMarker

Add a hidden spacer element that gives the gutter its base width.

updateSpacer⁠?: fn(spacerGutterMarker, updateViewUpdate) → GutterMarker

Update the spacer element when the view is updated.

domEventHandlers⁠?: Object<>

Supply event handlers for DOM events on this gutter.

gutters(config⁠?: {fixed⁠?: boolean}) → Extension

The gutter-drawing plugin is automatically enabled when you add a gutter, but you can use this function to explicitly configure it.

Unless fixed is explicitly set to false, the gutters are fixed, meaning they don't scroll along with the content horizontally (except on Internet Explorer, which doesn't support CSS position: sticky).

abstract class GutterMarker extends RangeValue

A gutter marker represents a bit of information attached to a line in a specific gutter. Your own custom markers have to extend this class.

eq(otherGutterMarker) → boolean

Compare this marker to another marker of the same type.

toDOM⁠?: fn(viewEditorView) → Node

Render the DOM node for this marker, if any.

elementClass: string

This property can be used to add CSS classes to the gutter element that contains this marker.


Called if the marker has a toDOM method and its representation was removed from a gutter.

gutterLineClass: Facet<RangeSet<GutterMarker>>

Facet used to add a class to all gutter elements for a given line. Markers given to this facet should only define an elementclass, not a toDOM (or the marker will appear in all gutters for the line).

gutterWidgetClass: Facet<>

Facet used to add a class to all gutter elements next to a widget. Should not provide widgets with a toDOM method.

lineNumberMarkers: Facet<RangeSet<GutterMarker>>

Facet used to provide markers to the line number gutter.

lineNumberWidgetMarker: Facet<>

Facet used to create markers in the line number gutter next to widgets.


Tooltips are DOM elements overlaid on the editor near a given document position. This package helps manage and position such elements.

See also the tooltip example.

showTooltip: Facet<Tooltip | null>

Facet to which an extension can add a value to show a tooltip.

interface Tooltip

Describes a tooltip. Values of this type, when provided through the showTooltip facet, control the individual tooltips on the editor.

pos: number

The document position at which to show the tooltip.

end⁠?: number

The end of the range annotated by this tooltip, if different from pos.

create(viewEditorView) → TooltipView

A constructor function that creates the tooltip's DOM representation.

above⁠?: boolean

Whether the tooltip should be shown above or below the target position. Not guaranteed to be respected for hover tooltips since all hover tooltips for the same range are always positioned together. Defaults to false.

strictSide⁠?: boolean

Whether the above option should be honored when there isn't enough space on that side to show the tooltip inside the viewport. Defaults to false.

arrow⁠?: boolean

When set to true, show a triangle connecting the tooltip element to position pos.

interface TooltipView

Describes the way a tooltip is displayed.

dom: HTMLElement

The DOM element to position over the editor.

offset⁠?: {xnumber, ynumber}

Adjust the position of the tooltip relative to its anchor position. A positive x value will move the tooltip horizontally along with the text direction (so right in left-to-right context, left in right-to-left). A positive y will move the tooltip up when it is above its anchor, and down otherwise.

getCoords⁠?: fn(posnumber) → Rect

By default, a tooltip's screen position will be based on the text position of its pos property. This method can be provided to make the tooltip view itself responsible for finding its screen position.

overlap⁠?: boolean

By default, tooltips are moved when they overlap with other tooltips. Set this to true to disable that behavior for this tooltip.

mount⁠?: fn(viewEditorView)

Called after the tooltip is added to the DOM for the first time.

update⁠?: fn(updateViewUpdate)

Update the DOM element for a change in the view's state.

destroy⁠?: fn()

Called when the tooltip is removed from the editor or the editor is destroyed.

positioned⁠?: fn(spaceRect)

Called when the tooltip has been (re)positioned. The argument is the space available to the tooltip.

resize⁠?: boolean

By default, the library will restrict the size of tooltips so that they don't stick out of the available space. Set this to false to disable that.

tooltips(config⁠?: Object = {}) → Extension

Creates an extension that configures tooltip behavior.

position⁠?: "fixed" | "absolute"

By default, tooltips use "fixed" positioning, which has the advantage that tooltips don't get cut off by scrollable parent elements. However, CSS rules like contain: layout can break fixed positioning in child nodes, which can be worked about by using "absolute" here.

On iOS, which at the time of writing still doesn't properly support fixed positioning, the library always uses absolute positioning.

If the tooltip parent element sits in a transformed element, the library also falls back to absolute positioning.

parent⁠?: HTMLElement

The element to put the tooltips into. By default, they are put in the editor (cm-editor) element, and that is usually what you want. But in some layouts that can lead to positioning issues, and you need to use a different parent to work around those.

tooltipSpace⁠?: fn(viewEditorView) → Rect

By default, when figuring out whether there is room for a tooltip at a given position, the extension considers the entire space between 0,0 and innerWidth,innerHeight to be available for showing tooltips. You can provide a function here that returns an alternative rectangle.

getTooltip(viewEditorView, tooltipTooltip) → TooltipView | null

Get the active tooltip view for a given tooltip, if available.

hoverTooltip(sourceHoverTooltipSource, options⁠?: Object = {}) → {extensionExtension} &
{activeStateField<readonly Tooltip[]>}
readonly Extension[] &
{activeStateField<readonly Tooltip[]>}

Set up a hover tooltip, which shows up when the pointer hovers over ranges of text. The callback is called when the mouse hovers over the document text. It should, if there is a tooltip associated with position pos, return the tooltip description (either directly or in a promise). The side argument indicates on which side of the position the pointer is—it will be -1 if the pointer is before the position, 1 if after the position.

Note that all hover tooltips are hosted within a single tooltip container element. This allows multiple tooltips over the same range to be "merged" together without overlapping.

The return value is a valid editor extension but also provides an active property holding a state field that can be used to read the currently active tooltips produced by this extension.

hideOn⁠?: fn(trTransaction, tooltipTooltip) → boolean

Controls whether a transaction hides the tooltip. The default is to not hide.

hideOnChange⁠?: boolean | "touch"

When enabled (this defaults to false), close the tooltip whenever the document changes or the selection is set.

hoverTime⁠?: number

Hover time after which the tooltip should appear, in milliseconds. Defaults to 300ms.

type HoverTooltipSource = fn(viewEditorView, posnumber, side-1 | 1) → Tooltip |
readonly Tooltip[] |
Promise<Tooltip | readonly Tooltip[] | null> |

The type of function that can be used as a hover tooltip source.

hasHoverTooltips(stateEditorState) → boolean

Returns true if any hover tooltips are currently active.

closeHoverTooltips: StateEffect<null>

Transaction effect that closes all hover tooltips.


Tell the tooltip extension to recompute the position of the active tooltips. This can be useful when something happens (such as a re-positioning or CSS change affecting the editor) that could invalidate the existing tooltip positions.


Panels are UI elements positioned above or below the editor (things like a search dialog). They will take space from the editor when it has a fixed height, and will stay in view even when the editor is partially scrolled out of view.

See also the panel example.

showPanel: Facet<PanelConstructor | null>

Opening a panel is done by providing a constructor function for the panel through this facet. (The panel is closed again when its constructor is no longer provided.) Values of null are ignored.

type PanelConstructor = fn(viewEditorView) → Panel

A function that initializes a panel. Used in showPanel.

interface Panel

Object that describes an active panel.

dom: HTMLElement

The element representing this panel. The library will add the "cm-panel" DOM class to this.

mount⁠?: fn()

Optionally called after the panel has been added to the editor.

update⁠?: fn(updateViewUpdate)

Update the DOM for a given view update.

destroy⁠?: fn()

Called when the panel is removed from the editor or the editor is destroyed.

top⁠?: boolean

Whether the panel should be at the top or bottom of the editor. Defaults to false.

getPanel(viewEditorView, panelPanelConstructor) → Panel | null

Get the active panel created by the given constructor, if any. This can be useful when you need access to your panels' DOM structure.

panels(config⁠?: Object) → Extension

Configures the panel-managing extension.

topContainer⁠?: HTMLElement

By default, panels will be placed inside the editor's DOM structure. You can use this option to override where panels with top: true are placed.

bottomContainer⁠?: HTMLElement

Override where panels with top: false are placed.


Layers are sets of DOM elements drawn over or below the document text. They can be useful for displaying user interface elements that don't take up space and shouldn't influence line wrapping, such as additional cursors.

Note that, being outside of the regular DOM order, such elements are invisible to screen readers. Make sure to also provide any important information they convey in an accessible way.

layer(configObject) → Extension

Define a layer.

above: boolean

Determines whether this layer is shown above or below the text.

class⁠?: string

When given, this class is added to the DOM element that will wrap the markers.

update(updateViewUpdate, layerHTMLElement) → boolean

Called on every view update. Returning true triggers a marker update (a call to markers and drawing of those markers).

updateOnDocViewUpdate⁠?: boolean

Whether to update this layer every time the document view changes. Defaults to true.

markers(viewEditorView) → readonly LayerMarker[]

Build a set of markers for this layer, and measure their dimensions.

mount⁠?: fn(layerHTMLElement, viewEditorView)

If given, this is called when the layer is created.

destroy⁠?: fn(layerHTMLElement, viewEditorView)

If given, called when the layer is removed from the editor or the entire editor is destroyed.

interface LayerMarker

Markers shown in a layer must conform to this interface. They are created in a measuring phase, and have to contain all their positioning information, so that they can be drawn without further DOM layout reading.

Markers are automatically absolutely positioned. Their parent element has the same top-left corner as the document, so they should be positioned relative to the document.

eq(otherLayerMarker) → boolean

Compare this marker to a marker of the same type. Used to avoid unnecessary redraws.

draw() → HTMLElement

Draw the marker to the DOM.

update⁠?: fn(domHTMLElement, oldMarkerLayerMarker) → boolean

Update an existing marker of this type to this marker.

class RectangleMarker implements LayerMarker

Implementation of LayerMarker that creates a rectangle at a given set of coordinates.

new RectangleMarker()

Create a marker with the given class and dimensions. If width is null, the DOM element will get no width style.

left: number

The left position of the marker (in pixels, document-relative).

top: number

The top position of the marker.

width: number | null

The width of the marker, or null if it shouldn't get a width assigned.

height: number

The height of the marker.

static forRange() → readonly RectangleMarker[]

Create a set of rectangles for the given selection range, assigning them theclassclassName. Will create a single rectangle for empty ranges, and a set of selection-style rectangles covering the range's content (in a bidi-aware way) for non-empty ones.

Rectangular Selection

rectangularSelection(options⁠?: Object) → Extension

Create an extension that enables rectangular selections. By default, it will react to left mouse drag with the Alt key held down. When such a selection occurs, the text within the rectangle that was dragged over will be selected, as one selection range per line.

eventFilter⁠?: fn(eventMouseEvent) → boolean

A custom predicate function, which takes a mousedown event and returns true if it should be used for rectangular selection.

options⁠?: {key⁠?: "Alt" | "Control" | "Shift" | "Meta"} = {}
) → Extension

Returns an extension that turns the pointer cursor into a crosshair when a given modifier key, defaulting to Alt, is held down. Can serve as a visual hint that rectangular selection is going to happen when paired with rectangularSelection.


languageDataProp: NodeProp<Facet<Object<any>>>

Node prop stored in a parser's top syntax node to provide the facet that stores language-specific data for that language.

class Language

A language object manages parsing and per-language metadata. Parse data is managed as a Lezer tree. The class can be used directly, via the LRLanguage subclass for Lezer LR parsers, or via the StreamLanguage subclass for stream parsers.

new Language(
extraExtensions⁠?: Extension[] = [],
name⁠?: string = ""

Construct a language object. If you need to invoke this directly, first define a data facet with defineLanguageFacet, and then configure your parser to attach it to the language's outer syntax node.

extension: Extension

The extension value to install this as the document language.

parser: Parser

The parser object. Can be useful when using this as a nested parser.

data: Facet<Object<any>>

The language data facet used for this language.

name: string

A language name.

side⁠?: -1 | 0 | 1 = -1
) → boolean

Query whether this language is active at the given position.

findRegions(stateEditorState) → {fromnumber, tonumber}[]

Find the document regions that were parsed using this language. The returned regions will include any nested languages rooted in this language, when those exist.

allowsNesting: boolean

Indicates whether this language allows nested languages. The default implementation returns true.

defineLanguageFacet(baseData⁠?: Object<any>) → Facet<Object<any>>

Helper function to define a facet (to be added to the top syntax node(s) for a language via languageDataProp), that will be used to associate language data with the language. You probably only need this when subclassing Language.

interface Sublanguage

Some languages need to return different language data for some parts of their tree. Sublanguages, registered by adding a node prop to the language's top syntax node, provide a mechanism to do this.

(Note that when using nested parsing, where nested syntax is parsed by a different parser and has its own top node type, you don't need a sublanguage.)

type⁠?: "replace" | "extend"

Determines whether the data provided by this sublanguage should completely replace the regular data or be added to it (with higher-precedence). The default is "extend".

test(nodeSyntaxNode, stateEditorState) → boolean

A predicate that returns whether the node at the queried position is part of the sublanguage.

facet: Facet<Object<any>>

The language data facet that holds the sublanguage's data. You'll want to use defineLanguageFacet to create this.

sublanguageProp: NodeProp<Sublanguage[]>

Syntax node prop used to register sublanguages. Should be added to the top level node type for the language.

language: Facet<Language, Language | null>

The facet used to associate a language with an editor state. Used by Language object's extension property (so you don't need to manually wrap your languages in this). Can be used to access the current language on a state.

class LRLanguage extends Language

A subclass of Language for use with Lezer LR parsers parsers.

configure(optionsParserConfig, name⁠?: string) → LRLanguage

Create a new instance of this language with a reconfigured version of its parser and optionally a new name.

static define(specObject) → LRLanguage

Define a language from a parser.

name⁠?: string

The name of the language.

parser: LRParser

The parser to use. Should already have added editor-relevant node props (and optionally things like dialect and top rule) configured.

languageData⁠?: Object<any>

Language data to register for this language.

class ParseContext

A parse context provided to parsers working on the editor content.

state: EditorState

The current editor state.

fragments: readonly TreeFragment[]

Tree fragments that can be reused by incremental re-parses.

viewport: {fromnumber, tonumber}

The current editor viewport (or some overapproximation thereof). Intended to be used for opportunistically avoiding work (in which case skipUntilInView should be called to make sure the parser is restarted when the skipped region becomes visible).

skipUntilInView(fromnumber, tonumber)

Notify the parse scheduler that the given region was skipped because it wasn't in view, and the parse should be restarted when it comes into view.

static getSkippingParser(until⁠?: Promise<unknown>) → Parser

Returns a parser intended to be used as placeholder when asynchronously loading a nested parser. It'll skip its input and mark it as not-really-parsed, so that the next update will parse it again.

When until is given, a reparse will be scheduled when that promise resolves.

static get() → ParseContext | null

Get the context for the current parse, or null if no editor parse is in progress.

syntaxTree(stateEditorState) → Tree

Get the syntax tree for a state, which is the current (possibly incomplete) parse tree of the active language, or the empty tree if there is no language available.

ensureSyntaxTree(stateEditorState, uptonumber, timeout⁠?: number = 50) → Tree | null

Try to get a parse tree that spans at least up to upto. The method will do at most timeout milliseconds of work to parse up to that point if the tree isn't already available.

syntaxTreeAvailable(stateEditorState, upto⁠?: number = state.doc.length) → boolean

Queries whether there is a full syntax tree available up to the given document position. If there isn't, the background parse process might still be working and update the tree further, but there is no guarantee of that—the parser will stop working when it has spent a certain amount of time or has moved beyond the visible viewport. Always returns false if no language has been enabled.

upto⁠?: number =,
timeout⁠?: number = 100
) → boolean

Move parsing forward, and update the editor state afterwards to reflect the new tree. Will work for at most timeout milliseconds. Returns true if the parser managed get to the given position in that time.

syntaxParserRunning(viewEditorView) → boolean

Tells you whether the language parser is planning to do more parsing work (in a requestIdleCallback pseudo-thread) or has stopped running, either because it parsed the entire document, because it spent too much time and was cut off, or because there is no language parser enabled.

class LanguageSupport

This class bundles a language with an optional set of supporting extensions. Language packages are encouraged to export a function that optionally takes a configuration object and returns a LanguageSupport instance, as the main way for client code to use the package.

new LanguageSupport(languageLanguage, support⁠?: Extension = [])

Create a language support object.

extension: Extension

An extension including both the language and its support extensions. (Allowing the object to be used as an extension value itself.)

language: Language

The language object.

support: Extension

An optional set of supporting extensions. When nesting a language in another language, the outer language is encouraged to include the supporting extensions for its inner languages in its own set of support extensions.

class LanguageDescription

Language descriptions are used to store metadata about languages and to dynamically load them. Their main role is finding the appropriate language for a filename or dynamically loading nested parsers.

name: string

The name of this language.

alias: readonly string[]

Alternative names for the mode (lowercased, includes

extensions: readonly string[]

File extensions associated with this language.

filename: RegExp | undefined

Optional filename pattern that should be associated with this language.

support: LanguageSupport | undefined

If the language has been loaded, this will hold its value.

load() → Promise<LanguageSupport>

Start loading the the language. Will return a promise that resolves to a LanguageSupport object when the language successfully loads.

static of(specObject) → LanguageDescription

Create a language description.

name: string

The language's name.

alias⁠?: readonly string[]

An optional array of alternative names.

extensions⁠?: readonly string[]

An optional array of filename extensions associated with this language.

filename⁠?: RegExp

An optional filename pattern associated with this language.

load⁠?: fn() → Promise<LanguageSupport>

A function that will asynchronously load the language.

support⁠?: LanguageSupport

Alternatively to load, you can provide an already loaded support object. Either this or load should be provided.

static matchFilename(
descsreadonly LanguageDescription[],
) → LanguageDescription | null

Look for a language in the given array of descriptions that matches the filename. Will first match filename patterns, and then extensions, and return the first language that matches.

static matchLanguageName(
descsreadonly LanguageDescription[],
fuzzy⁠?: boolean = true
) → LanguageDescription | null

Look for a language whose name or alias matches the the given name (case-insensitively). If fuzzy is true, and no direct matchs is found, this'll also search for a language whose name or alias occurs in the string (for names shorter than three characters, only when surrounded by non-word characters).

class DocInput implements Input

Lezer-style Input object for a Text object.

new DocInput(docText)

Create an input object for the given document.

doc: Text


class HighlightStyle implements Highlighter

A highlight style associates CSS styles with higlighting tags.

module: StyleModule | null

A style module holding the CSS rules for this highlight style. When using highlightTree outside of the editor, you may want to manually mount this module to show the highlighting.

specs: readonly TagStyle[]

The tag styles used to create this highlight style.

static define(specsreadonly TagStyle[], options⁠?: Object) → HighlightStyle

Create a highlighter style that associates the given styles to the given tags. The specs must be objects that hold a style tag or array of tags in their tag property, and either a single class property providing a static CSS class (for highlighter that rely on external styling), or a style-mod-style set of CSS properties (which define the styling for those tags).

The CSS rules created for a highlighter will be emitted in the order of the spec's properties. That means that for elements that have multiple tags associated with them, styles defined further down in the list will have a higher CSS precedence than styles defined earlier.

scope⁠?: Language | NodeType

By default, highlighters apply to the entire document. You can scope them to a single language by providing the language object or a language's top node type here.

all⁠?: string | StyleSpec

Add a style to all content. Probably only useful in combination with scope.

themeType⁠?: "dark" | "light"

Specify that this highlight style should only be active then the theme is dark or light. By default, it is active regardless of theme.

syntaxHighlighting(highlighterHighlighter, options⁠?: Object) → Extension

Wrap a highlighter in an editor extension that uses it to apply syntax highlighting to the editor content.

When multiple (non-fallback) styles are provided, the styling applied is the union of the classes they emit.

fallback: boolean

When enabled, this marks the highlighter as a fallback, which only takes effect if no other highlighters are registered.

interface TagStyle

The type of object used in HighlightStyle.define. Assigns a style to one or more highlighting tags, which can either be a fixed class name (which must be defined elsewhere), or a set of CSS properties, for which the library will define an anonymous class.

tag: Tag | readonly Tag[]

The tag or tags to target.

class⁠?: string

If given, this maps the tags to a fixed class name.

[string]: any

Any further properties (if class isn't given) will be interpreted as in style objects given to style-mod. (The type here is any because of TypeScript limitations.)

defaultHighlightStyle: HighlightStyle

A default highlight style (works well with light themes).

tagsreadonly Tag[],
) → string | null

Returns the CSS classes (if any) that the highlighters active in the state would assign to the given style tags and (optional) language scope.

bidiIsolates(options⁠?: Object = {}) → Extension

Make sure nodes marked as isolating for bidirectional text are rendered in a way that isolates them from the surrounding text.

alwaysIsolate⁠?: boolean

By default, isolating elements are only added when the editor direction isn't uniformly left-to-right, or if it is, on lines that contain right-to-left character. When true, disable this optimization and add them everywhere.


These exports provide commands and other functionality related to code folding (temporarily hiding pieces of code).

foldService: Facet<
fn(stateEditorState, lineStartnumber, lineEndnumber) → {fromnumber, tonumber} | null

A facet that registers a code folding service. When called with the extent of a line, such a function should return a foldable range that starts on that line (but continues beyond it), if one can be found.

foldNodeProp: NodeProp<
fn(nodeSyntaxNode, stateEditorState) → {fromnumber, tonumber} | null

This node prop is used to associate folding information with syntax node types. Given a syntax node, it should check whether that tree is foldable and return the range that can be collapsed when it is.

foldInside(nodeSyntaxNode) → {fromnumber, tonumber} | null

Fold function that folds everything but the first and the last child of a syntax node. Useful for nodes that start and end with delimiters.

foldable(stateEditorState, lineStartnumber, lineEndnumber) → {fromnumber, tonumber} | null

Check whether the given line is foldable. First asks any fold services registered through foldService, and if none of them return a result, tries to query the fold node prop of syntax nodes that cover the end of the line.

foldCode: Command

Fold the lines that are selected, if possible.

unfoldCode: Command

Unfold folded ranges on selected lines.

toggleFold: Command

Toggle folding at cursors. Unfolds if there is an existing fold starting in that line, tries to find a foldable range around it otherwise.

foldAll: Command

Fold all top-level foldable ranges. Note that, in most cases, folding information will depend on the syntax tree, and folding everything may not work reliably when the document hasn't been fully parsed (either because the editor state was only just initialized, or because the document is so big that the parser decided not to parse it entirely).

unfoldAll: Command

Unfold all folded code.

foldKeymap: readonly KeyBinding[]

Default fold-related key bindings.

codeFolding(config⁠?: Object) → Extension

Create an extension that configures code folding.

placeholderDOM⁠?: fn(
) → HTMLElement

A function that creates the DOM element used to indicate the position of folded code. The onclick argument is the default click event handler, which toggles folding on the line that holds the element, and should probably be added as an event handler to the returned element. If preparePlaceholder is given, its result will be passed as 3rd argument. Otherwise, this will be null.

When this option isn't given, the placeholderText option will be used to create the placeholder element.

placeholderText⁠?: string

Text to use as placeholder for folded text. Defaults to "…". Will be styled with the "cm-foldPlaceholder" class.

preparePlaceholder⁠?: fn(
range: {fromnumber, tonumber}
) → any

Given a range that is being folded, create a value that describes it, to be used by placeholderDOM to render a custom widget that, for example, indicates something about the folded range's size or type.

foldGutter(config⁠?: Object = {}) → Extension

Create an extension that registers a fold gutter, which shows a fold status indicator before foldable lines (which can be clicked to fold or unfold the line).

markerDOM⁠?: fn(openboolean) → HTMLElement

A function that creates the DOM element used to indicate a given line is folded or can be folded. When not given, the openText/closeText option will be used instead.

openText⁠?: string

Text used to indicate that a given line can be folded. Defaults to "⌄".

closedText⁠?: string

Text used to indicate that a given line is folded. Defaults to "›".

domEventHandlers⁠?: Object<>

Supply event handlers for DOM events on this gutter.

foldingChanged⁠?: fn(updateViewUpdate) → boolean

When given, if this returns true for a given view update, recompute the fold markers.

The following functions provide more direct, low-level control over the fold state.

foldedRanges(stateEditorState) → DecorationSet

Get a range set containing the folded ranges in the given state.

foldState: StateField<DecorationSet>

The state field that stores the folded ranges (as a decoration set). Can be passed to EditorState.toJSON and fromJSON to serialize the fold state.

foldEffect: StateEffectType<{fromnumber, tonumber}>

State effect that can be attached to a transaction to fold the given range. (You probably only need this in exceptional circumstances—usually you'll just want to let foldCode and the fold gutter create the transactions.)

unfoldEffect: StateEffectType<{fromnumber, tonumber}>

State effect that unfolds the given range (if it was folded).


indentService: Facet<>

Facet that defines a way to provide a function that computes the appropriate indentation depth, as a column number (see indentString), at the start of a given line. A return value of null indicates no indentation can be determined, and the line should inherit the indentation of the one above it. A return value of undefined defers to the next indent service.

indentNodeProp: NodeProp<fn(contextTreeIndentContext) → number | null>

A syntax tree node prop used to associate indentation strategies with node types. Such a strategy is a function from an indentation context to a column number (see also indentString) or null, where null indicates that no definitive indentation can be determined.

getIndentation(contextIndentContext | EditorState, posnumber) → number | null

Get the indentation, as a column number, at the given position. Will first consult any indent services that are registered, and if none of those return an indentation, this will check the syntax tree for the indent node prop and use that if found. Returns a number when an indentation could be determined, and null otherwise.

indentRange(stateEditorState, fromnumber, tonumber) → ChangeSet

Create a change set that auto-indents all lines touched by the given document range.

indentUnit: Facet<string, string>

Facet for overriding the unit by which indentation happens. Should be a string consisting either entirely of the same whitespace character. When not set, this defaults to 2 spaces.

getIndentUnit(stateEditorState) → number

Return the column width of an indent unit in the state. Determined by the indentUnit facet, and tabSize when that contains tabs.

indentString(stateEditorState, colsnumber) → string

Create an indentation string that covers columns 0 to cols. Will use tabs for as much of the columns as possible when the indentUnit facet contains tabs.

class IndentContext

Indentation contexts are used when calling indentation services. They provide helper utilities useful in indentation logic, and can selectively override the indentation reported for some lines.

new IndentContext(stateEditorState, options⁠?: Object = {})

Create an indent context.

overrideIndentation⁠?: fn(posnumber) → number

Override line indentations provided to the indentation helper function, which is useful when implementing region indentation, where indentation for later lines needs to refer to previous lines, which may have been reindented compared to the original start state. If given, this function should return -1 for lines (given by start position) that didn't change, and an updated indentation otherwise.

simulateBreak⁠?: number

Make it look, to the indent logic, like a line break was added at the given position (which is mostly just useful for implementing something like insertNewlineAndIndent).

simulateDoubleBreak⁠?: boolean

When simulateBreak is given, this can be used to make the simulated break behave like a double line break.

unit: number

The indent unit (number of columns per indentation level).

state: EditorState

The editor state.

lineAt(posnumber, bias⁠?: -1 | 1 = 1) → {textstring, fromnumber}

Get a description of the line at the given position, taking simulated line breaks into account. If there is such a break at pos, the bias argument determines whether the part of the line line before or after the break is used.

textAfterPos(posnumber, bias⁠?: -1 | 1 = 1) → string

Get the text directly after pos, either the entire line or the next 100 characters, whichever is shorter.

column(posnumber, bias⁠?: -1 | 1 = 1) → number

Find the column for the given position.

countColumn(linestring, pos⁠?: number = line.length) → number

Find the column position (taking tabs into account) of the given position in the given string.

lineIndent(posnumber, bias⁠?: -1 | 1 = 1) → number

Find the indentation column of the line at the given point.

simulatedBreak: number | null

Returns the simulated line break for this context, if any.

class TreeIndentContext extends IndentContext

Objects of this type provide context information and helper methods to indentation functions registered on syntax nodes.

pos: number

The position at which indentation is being computed.

node: SyntaxNode

The syntax tree node to which the indentation strategy applies.

textAfter: string

Get the text directly after this.pos, either the entire line or the next 100 characters, whichever is shorter.

baseIndent: number

Get the indentation at the reference line for this.node, which is the line on which it starts, unless there is a node that is not a parent of this node covering the start of that line. If so, the line at the start of that node is tried, again skipping on if it is covered by another such node.

baseIndentFor(nodeSyntaxNode) → number

Get the indentation for the reference line of the given node (see baseIndent).

continue() → number | null

Continue looking for indentations in the node's parent nodes, and return the result of that.

delimitedIndent({closingstring, align⁠?: boolean, units⁠?: number}) → fn(contextTreeIndentContext) → number

An indentation strategy for delimited (usually bracketed) nodes. Will, by default, indent one unit more than the parent's base indent unless the line starts with a closing token. When align is true and there are non-skipped nodes on the node's opening line, the content of the node will be aligned with the end of the opening node, like this:

continuedIndent({except⁠?: RegExp, units⁠?: number} = {}) → fn(contextTreeIndentContext) → number

Creates an indentation strategy that, by default, indents continued lines one unit more than the node's base indentation. You can provide except to prevent indentation of lines that match a pattern (for example /^else\b/ in if/else constructs), and you can change the amount of units used with the units option.

flatIndent(contextTreeIndentContext) → number

An indentation strategy that aligns a node's content to its base indentation.

indentOnInput() → Extension

Enables reindentation on input. When a language defines an indentOnInput field in its language data, which must hold a regular expression, the line at the cursor will be reindented whenever new text is typed and the input from the start of the line up to the cursor matches that regexp.

To avoid unneccesary reindents, it is recommended to start the regexp with ^ (usually followed by \s*), and end it with $. For example, /^\s*\}$/ will reindent when a closing brace is added at the start of a line.

Bracket Matching

bracketMatching(config⁠?: Config = {}) → Extension

Create an extension that enables bracket matching. Whenever the cursor is next to a bracket, that bracket and the one it matches are highlighted. Or, when no matching bracket is found, another highlighting style is used to indicate this.

interface Config

afterCursor⁠?: boolean

Whether the bracket matching should look at the character after the cursor when matching (if the one before isn't a bracket). Defaults to true.

brackets⁠?: string

The bracket characters to match, as a string of pairs. Defaults to "()[]{}". Note that these are only used as fallback when there is no matching information in the syntax tree.

maxScanDistance⁠?: number

The maximum distance to scan for matching brackets. This is only relevant for brackets not encoded in the syntax tree. Defaults to 10 000.

renderMatch⁠?: fn(matchMatchResult, stateEditorState) → readonly Range<Decoration>[]

Can be used to configure the way in which brackets are decorated. The default behavior is to add the cm-matchingBracket class for matching pairs, and cm-nonmatchingBracket for mismatched pairs or single brackets.

dir-1 | 1,
config⁠?: Config = {}
) → MatchResult | null

Find the matching bracket for the token at pos, scanning direction dir. Only the brackets and maxScanDistance properties are used from config, if given. Returns null if no bracket was found at pos, or a match result otherwise.

interface MatchResult

The result returned from matchBrackets.

start: {fromnumber, tonumber}

The extent of the bracket token found.

end⁠?: {fromnumber, tonumber}

The extent of the matched token, if any was found.

matched: boolean

Whether the tokens match. This can be false even when end has a value, if that token doesn't match the opening token.

bracketMatchingHandle: NodeProp<fn(nodeSyntaxNode) → SyntaxNode | null>

When larger syntax nodes, such as HTML tags, are marked as opening/closing, it can be a bit messy to treat the whole node as a matchable bracket. This node prop allows you to define, for such a node, a ‘handle’—the part of the node that is highlighted, and that the cursor must be on to activate highlighting in the first place.

Stream Parser

Stream parsers provide a way to adapt language modes written in the CodeMirror 5 style (see @codemirror/legacy-modes) to the Language interface.

class StreamLanguage<State> extends Language

A language class based on a CodeMirror 5-style streaming parser.

static define<State>(specStreamParser<State>) → StreamLanguage<State>

Define a stream language.

interface StreamParser<State>

A stream parser parses or tokenizes content from start to end, emitting tokens as it goes over it. It keeps a mutable (but copyable) object with state, in which it can store information about the current context.

name⁠?: string

A name for this language.

startState⁠?: fn(indentUnitnumber) → State

Produce a start state for the parser.

token(streamStringStream, stateState) → string | null

Read one token, advancing the stream past it, and returning a string indicating the token's style tag—either the name of one of the tags in tags or tokenTable, or such a name suffixed by one or more tag modifier names, separated by periods. For example "keyword" or "variableName.constant", or a space-separated set of such token types.

It is okay to return a zero-length token, but only if that updates the state so that the next call will return a non-empty token again.

blankLine⁠?: fn(stateState, indentUnitnumber)

This notifies the parser of a blank line in the input. It can update its state here if it needs to.

copyState⁠?: fn(stateState) → State

Copy a given state. By default, a shallow object copy is done which also copies arrays held at the top level of the object.

indent⁠?: fn() → number | null

Compute automatic indentation for the line that starts with the given state and text.

languageData⁠?: Object<any>

Default language data to attach to this language.

tokenTable⁠?: Object<Tag | readonly Tag[]>

Extra tokens to use in this parser. When the tokenizer returns a token name that exists as a property in this object, the corresponding tags will be assigned to the token.

class StringStream

Encapsulates a single line of input. Given to stream syntax code, which uses it to tokenize the content.

new StringStream()

Create a stream.

pos: number

The current position on the line.

start: number

The start position of the current token.

string: string

The line.

indentUnit: number

The current indent unit size.

eol() → boolean

True if we are at the end of the line.

sol() → boolean

True if we are at the start of the line.

peek() → string | undefined

Get the next code unit after the current position, or undefined if we're at the end of the line.

next() → string | undefined

Read the next code unit and advance this.pos.

eat(matchstring | RegExp | fn(chstring) → boolean) → string | undefined

Match the next character against the given string, regular expression, or predicate. Consume and return it if it matches.

eatWhile(matchstring | RegExp | fn(chstring) → boolean) → boolean

Continue matching characters that match the given string, regular expression, or predicate function. Return true if any characters were consumed.

eatSpace() → boolean

Consume whitespace ahead of this.pos. Return true if any was found.


Move to the end of the line.

skipTo(chstring) → boolean | undefined

Move to directly before the given character, if found on the current line.


Move back n characters.

column() → number

Get the column position at this.pos.

indentation() → number

Get the indentation column of the current line.

match() → boolean | RegExpMatchArray | null

Match the input against the given string or regular expression (which should start with a ^). Return true or the regexp match if it matches.

Unless consume is set to false, this will move this.pos past the matched text.

When matching a string caseInsensitive can be set to true to make the match case-insensitive.

current() → string

Get the current token.


This package exports a collection of generic editing commands, along with key bindings for a lot of them.


standardKeymap: readonly KeyBinding[]

An array of key bindings closely sticking to platform-standard or widely used bindings. (This includes the bindings from emacsStyleKeymap, with their key property changed to mac.)

defaultKeymap: readonly KeyBinding[]

The default keymap. Includes all bindings from standardKeymap plus the following:

emacsStyleKeymap: readonly KeyBinding[]

Array of key bindings containing the Emacs-style bindings that are available on macOS by default.

indentWithTab: KeyBinding

A binding that binds Tab to indentMore and Shift-Tab to indentLess. Please see the Tab example before using this.


simplifySelection: StateCommand

Simplify the current selection. When multiple ranges are selected, reduce it to its main range. Otherwise, if the selection is non-empty, convert it to a cursor selection.

By character

cursorCharLeft: Command

Move the selection one character to the left (which is backward in left-to-right text, forward in right-to-left text).

selectCharLeft: Command

Move the selection head one character to the left, while leaving the anchor in place.

cursorCharRight: Command

Move the selection one character to the right.

selectCharRight: Command

Move the selection head one character to the right.

cursorCharForward: Command

Move the selection one character forward.

selectCharForward: Command

Move the selection head one character forward.

cursorCharBackward: Command

Move the selection one character backward.

selectCharBackward: Command

Move the selection head one character backward.

cursorCharForwardLogical: StateCommand

Move the selection one character forward, in logical (non-text-direction-aware) string index order.

selectCharForwardLogical: StateCommand

Move the selection head one character forward by logical (non-direction aware) string index order.

cursorCharBackwardLogical: StateCommand

Move the selection one character backward, in logical string index order.

selectCharBackwardLogical: StateCommand

Move the selection head one character backward by logical string index order.

By group

cursorGroupLeft: Command

Move the selection to the left across one group of word or non-word (but also non-space) characters.

selectGroupLeft: Command

Move the selection head one group to the left.

cursorGroupRight: Command

Move the selection one group to the right.

selectGroupRight: Command

Move the selection head one group to the right.

cursorGroupForward: Command

Move the selection one group forward.

selectGroupForward: Command

Move the selection head one group forward.

cursorGroupBackward: Command

Move the selection one group backward.

selectGroupBackward: Command

Move the selection head one group backward.

cursorSubwordForward: Command

Move the selection one group or camel-case subword forward.

selectSubwordForward: Command

Move the selection head one group or camel-case subword forward.

cursorSubwordBackward: Command

Move the selection one group or camel-case subword backward.

selectSubwordBackward: Command

Move the selection head one group or subword backward.

Vertical motion

cursorLineUp: Command

Move the selection one line up.

selectLineUp: Command

Move the selection head one line up.

cursorLineDown: Command

Move the selection one line down.

selectLineDown: Command

Move the selection head one line down.

cursorPageUp: Command

Move the selection one page up.

selectPageUp: Command

Move the selection head one page up.

cursorPageDown: Command

Move the selection one page down.

selectPageDown: Command

Move the selection head one page down.

By line boundary

cursorLineBoundaryForward: Command

Move the selection to the next line wrap point, or to the end of the line if there isn't one left on this line.

selectLineBoundaryForward: Command

Move the selection head to the next line boundary.

cursorLineBoundaryBackward: Command

Move the selection to previous line wrap point, or failing that to the start of the line. If the line is indented, and the cursor isn't already at the end of the indentation, this will move to the end of the indentation instead of the start of the line.

selectLineBoundaryBackward: Command

Move the selection head to the previous line boundary.

cursorLineBoundaryLeft: Command

Move the selection one line wrap point to the left.

selectLineBoundaryLeft: Command

Move the selection head one line boundary to the left.

cursorLineBoundaryRight: Command

Move the selection one line wrap point to the right.

selectLineBoundaryRight: Command

Move the selection head one line boundary to the right.

cursorLineStart: Command

Move the selection to the start of the line.

selectLineStart: Command

Move the selection head to the start of the line.

cursorLineEnd: Command

Move the selection to the end of the line.

selectLineEnd: Command

Move the selection head to the end of the line.

selectLine: StateCommand

Expand the selection to cover entire lines.

By document boundary

cursorDocStart: StateCommand

Move the selection to the start of the document.

selectDocStart: StateCommand

Move the selection head to the start of the document.

cursorDocEnd: StateCommand

Move the selection to the end of the document.

selectDocEnd: StateCommand

Move the selection head to the end of the document.

selectAll: StateCommand

Select the entire document.

By syntax

cursorSyntaxLeft: Command

Move the cursor over the next syntactic element to the left.

selectSyntaxLeft: Command

Move the selection head over the next syntactic element to the left.

cursorSyntaxRight: Command

Move the cursor over the next syntactic element to the right.

selectSyntaxRight: Command

Move the selection head over the next syntactic element to the right.

selectParentSyntax: StateCommand

Select the next syntactic construct that is larger than the selection. Note that this will only work insofar as the language provider you use builds up a full syntax tree.

cursorMatchingBracket: StateCommand

Move the selection to the bracket matching the one it is currently on, if any.

selectMatchingBracket: StateCommand

Extend the selection to the bracket matching the one the selection head is currently on, if any.


deleteCharBackward: Command

Delete the selection, or, for cursor selections, the character or indentation unit before the cursor.

deleteCharBackwardStrict: Command

Delete the selection or the character before the cursor. Does not implement any extended behavior like deleting whole indentation units in one go.

deleteCharForward: Command

Delete the selection or the character after the cursor.

deleteGroupBackward: StateCommand

Delete the selection or backward until the end of the next group, only skipping groups of whitespace when they consist of a single space.

deleteGroupForward: StateCommand

Delete the selection or forward until the end of the next group.

deleteToLineStart: Command

Delete the selection, or, if it is a cursor selection, delete to the start of the line. If the cursor is directly at the start of the line, delete the line break before it.

deleteToLineEnd: Command

Delete the selection, or, if it is a cursor selection, delete to the end of the line. If the cursor is directly at the end of the line, delete the line break after it.

deleteLineBoundaryBackward: Command

Delete the selection, or, if it is a cursor selection, delete to the start of the line or the next line wrap before the cursor.

deleteLineBoundaryForward: Command

Delete the selection, or, if it is a cursor selection, delete to the end of the line or the next line wrap after the cursor.

deleteTrailingWhitespace: StateCommand

Delete all whitespace directly before a line end from the document.

Line manipulation

splitLine: StateCommand

Replace each selection range with a line break, leaving the cursor on the line before the break.

moveLineUp: StateCommand

Move the selected lines up one line.

moveLineDown: StateCommand

Move the selected lines down one line.

copyLineUp: StateCommand

Create a copy of the selected lines. Keep the selection in the top copy.

copyLineDown: StateCommand

Create a copy of the selected lines. Keep the selection in the bottom copy.

deleteLine: Command

Delete selected lines.


indentSelection: StateCommand

Auto-indent the selected lines. This uses the indentation service facet as source for auto-indent information.

indentMore: StateCommand

Add a unit of indentation to all selected lines.

indentLess: StateCommand

Remove a unit of indentation from all selected lines.

insertTab: StateCommand

Insert a tab character at the cursor or, if something is selected, use indentMore to indent the entire selection.

Character Manipulation

transposeChars: StateCommand

Flip the characters before and after the cursor(s).

insertNewline: StateCommand

Replace the selection with a newline.

insertNewlineAndIndent: StateCommand

Replace the selection with a newline and indent the newly created line(s). If the current line consists only of whitespace, this will also delete that whitespace. When the cursor is between matching brackets, an additional newline will be inserted after the cursor.

insertNewlineKeepIndent: StateCommand

Replace the selection with a newline and the same amount of indentation as the line above.

insertBlankLine: StateCommand

Create a blank, indented line below the current line.

Undo History

history(config⁠?: Object = {}) → Extension

Create a history extension with the given configuration.

minDepth⁠?: number

The minimum depth (amount of events) to store. Defaults to 100.

newGroupDelay⁠?: number

The maximum time (in milliseconds) that adjacent events can be apart and still be grouped together. Defaults to 500.

joinToEvent⁠?: fn(trTransaction, isAdjacentboolean) → boolean

By default, when close enough together in time, changes are joined into an existing undo event if they touch any of the changed ranges from that event. You can pass a custom predicate here to influence that logic.

historyKeymap: readonly KeyBinding[]

Default key bindings for the undo history.

historyField: StateField<unknown>

The state field used to store the history data. Should probably only be used when you want to serialize or deserialize state objects in a way that preserves history.

undo: StateCommand

Undo a single group of history events. Returns false if no group was available.

redo: StateCommand

Redo a group of history events. Returns false if no group was available.

undoSelection: StateCommand

Undo a change or selection change.

redoSelection: StateCommand

Redo a change or selection change.

undoDepth(stateEditorState) → number

The amount of undoable change events available in a given state.

redoDepth(stateEditorState) → number

The amount of redoable change events available in a given state.

isolateHistory: AnnotationType<"before" | "after" | "full">

Transaction annotation that will prevent that transaction from being combined with other transactions in the undo history. Given "before", it'll prevent merging with previous transactions. With "after", subsequent transactions won't be combined with this one. With "full", the transaction is isolated on both sides.

invertedEffects: Facet<fn(trTransaction) → readonly StateEffect<any>[]>

This facet provides a way to register functions that, given a transaction, provide a set of effects that the history should store when inverting the transaction. This can be used to integrate some kinds of effects in the history, so that they can be undone (and redone again).

Commenting and Uncommenting

interface CommentTokens

An object of this type can be provided as language data under a "commentTokens" property to configure comment syntax for a language.

block⁠?: {openstring, closestring}

The block comment syntax, if any. For example, for HTML you'd provide {open: "<!--", close: "-->"}.

line⁠?: string

The line comment syntax. For example "//".

toggleComment: StateCommand

Comment or uncomment the current selection. Will use line comments if available, otherwise falling back to block comments.

toggleLineComment: StateCommand

Comment or uncomment the current selection using line comments. The line comment syntax is taken from the commentTokens language data.

lineComment: StateCommand

Comment the current selection using line comments.

lineUncomment: StateCommand

Uncomment the current selection using line comments.

toggleBlockComment: StateCommand

Comment or uncomment the current selection using block comments. The block comment syntax is taken from the commentTokens language data.

blockComment: StateCommand

Comment the current selection using block comments.

blockUncomment: StateCommand

Uncomment the current selection using block comments.

toggleBlockCommentByLine: StateCommand

Comment or uncomment the lines around the current selection using block comments.

Tab Focus Mode

toggleTabFocusMode: Command

Enables or disables tab-focus mode. While on, this prevents the editor's key bindings from capturing Tab or Shift-Tab, making it possible for the user to move focus out of the editor with the keyboard.

temporarilySetTabFocusMode: Command

Temporarily enables tab-focus mode for two seconds or until another key is pressed.


interface Completion

Objects type used to represent individual completions.

label: string

The label to show in the completion picker. This is what input is matched against to determine whether a completion matches (and how well it matches).

displayLabel⁠?: string

An optional override for the completion's visible label. When using this, matched characters will only be highlighted if you provide a getMatch function.

detail⁠?: string

An optional short piece of information to show (with a different style) after the label.

info⁠?: string |
fn(completionCompletion) → Node |
{domNode, destroy⁠?: fn()} |

Additional info to show when the completion is selected. Can be a plain string or a function that'll render the DOM structure to show when invoked.

apply⁠?: string |

How to apply the completion. The default is to replace it with its label. When this holds a string, the completion range is replaced by that string. When it is a function, that function is called to perform the completion. If it fires a transaction, it is responsible for adding the pickedCompletion annotation to it.

type⁠?: string

The type of the completion. This is used to pick an icon to show for the completion. Icons are styled with a CSS class created by appending the type name to "cm-completionIcon-". You can define or restyle icons by defining these selectors. The base library defines simple icons for class, constant, enum, function, interface, keyword, method, namespace, property, text, type, and variable.

Multiple types can be provided by separating them with spaces.

commitCharacters⁠?: readonly string[]

When this option is selected, and one of these characters is typed, insert the completion before typing the character.

boost⁠?: number

When given, should be a number from -99 to 99 that adjusts how this completion is ranked compared to other completions that match the input as well as this one. A negative number moves it down the list, a positive number moves it up.

section⁠?: string | CompletionSection

Can be used to divide the completion list into sections. Completions in a given section (matched by name) will be grouped together, with a heading above them. Options without section will appear above all sections. A string value is equivalent to a {name} object.

type CompletionInfo = Node | {domNode, destroy⁠?: fn()} | null

The type returned from May be a DOM node, null to indicate there is no info, or an object with an optional destroy method that cleans up the node.

interface CompletionSection

Object used to describe a completion section. It is recommended to create a shared object used by all the completions in a given section.

name: string

The name of the section. If no render method is present, this will be displayed above the options.

header⁠?: fn(sectionCompletionSection) → HTMLElement

An optional function that renders the section header. Since the headers are shown inside a list, you should make sure the resulting element has a display: list-item style.

rank⁠?: number

By default, sections are ordered alphabetically by name. To specify an explicit order, rank can be used. Sections with a lower rank will be shown above sections with a higher rank.

autocompletion(config⁠?: Object = {}) → Extension

Returns an extension that enables autocompletion.

activateOnTyping⁠?: boolean

When enabled (defaults to true), autocompletion will start whenever the user types something that can be completed.

activateOnCompletion⁠?: fn(completionCompletion) → boolean

When given, if a completion that matches the predicate is picked, reactivate completion again as if it was typed normally.

activateOnTypingDelay⁠?: number

The amount of time to wait for further typing before querying completion sources via activateOnTyping. Defaults to 100, which should be fine unless your completion source is very slow and/or doesn't use validFor.

selectOnOpen⁠?: boolean

By default, when completion opens, the first option is selected and can be confirmed with acceptCompletion. When this is set to false, the completion widget starts with no completion selected, and the user has to explicitly move to a completion before you can confirm one.

override⁠?: readonly CompletionSource[]

Override the completion sources used. By default, they will be taken from the "autocomplete" language data (which should hold completion sources or arrays of completions).

closeOnBlur⁠?: boolean

Determines whether the completion tooltip is closed when the editor loses focus. Defaults to true.

maxRenderedOptions⁠?: number

The maximum number of options to render to the DOM.

defaultKeymap⁠?: boolean

Set this to false to disable the default completion keymap. (This requires you to add bindings to control completion yourself. The bindings should probably have a higher precedence than other bindings for the same keys.)

aboveCursor⁠?: boolean

By default, completions are shown below the cursor when there is space. Setting this to true will make the extension put the completions above the cursor when possible.

tooltipClass⁠?: fn(stateEditorState) → string

When given, this may return an additional CSS class to add to the completion dialog element.

optionClass⁠?: fn(completionCompletion) → string

This can be used to add additional CSS classes to completion options.

icons⁠?: boolean

By default, the library will render icons based on the completion's type in front of each option. Set this to false to turn that off.

addToOptions⁠?: {

This option can be used to inject additional content into options. The render function will be called for each visible completion, and should produce a DOM node to show. position determines where in the DOM the result appears, relative to other added widgets and the standard content. The default icons have position 20, the label position 50, and the detail position 80.

positionInfo⁠?: fn() → {style⁠?: string, class⁠?: string}

By default, info tooltips are placed to the side of the selected completion. This option can be used to override that. It will be given rectangles for the list of completions, the selected option, the info element, and the availble tooltip space, and should return style and/or class strings for the info element.

compareCompletions⁠?: fn(aCompletion, bCompletion) → number

The comparison function to use when sorting completions with the same match score. Defaults to using localeCompare.

filterStrict⁠?: boolean

When set to true (the default is false), turn off fuzzy matching of completions and only show those that start with the text the user typed. Only takes effect for results where filter isn't false.

interactionDelay⁠?: number

By default, commands relating to an open completion only take effect 75 milliseconds after the completion opened, so that key presses made before the user is aware of the tooltip don't go to the tooltip. This option can be used to configure that delay.

updateSyncTime⁠?: number

When there are multiple asynchronous completion sources, this controls how long the extension waits for a slow source before displaying results from faster sources. Defaults to 100 milliseconds.

completionStatus(stateEditorState) → "active" | "pending" | null

Get the current completion status. When completions are available, this will return "active". When completions are pending (in the process of being queried), this returns "pending". Otherwise, it returns null.

currentCompletions(stateEditorState) → readonly Completion[]

Returns the available completions as an array.

selectedCompletion(stateEditorState) → Completion | null

Return the currently selected completion, if any.

selectedCompletionIndex(stateEditorState) → number | null

Returns the currently selected position in the active completion list, or null if no completions are active.

setSelectedCompletion(indexnumber) → StateEffect<unknown>

Create an effect that can be attached to a transaction to change the currently selected completion.

pickedCompletion: AnnotationType<Completion>

This annotation is added to transactions that are produced by picking a completion.


class CompletionContext

An instance of this is passed to completion source functions.

new CompletionContext()

Create a new completion context. (Mostly useful for testing completion sources—in the editor, the extension will create these for you.)

state: EditorState

The editor state that the completion happens in.

pos: number

The position at which the completion is happening.

explicit: boolean

Indicates whether completion was activated explicitly, or implicitly by typing. The usual way to respond to this is to only return completions when either there is part of a completable entity before the cursor, or explicit is true.

view⁠?: EditorView

The editor view. May be undefined if the context was created in a situation where there is no such view available, such as in synchronous updates via CompletionResult.update or when called by test code.

tokenBefore(typesreadonly string[]) → {fromnumber, tonumber, textstring, typeNodeType} |

Get the extent, content, and (if there is a token) type of the token before this.pos.

matchBefore(exprRegExp) → {fromnumber, tonumber, textstring} | null

Get the match of the given expression directly before the cursor.

aborted: boolean

Yields true when the query has been aborted. Can be useful in asynchronous queries to avoid doing work that will be ignored.

options⁠?: {onDocChangeboolean}

Allows you to register abort handlers, which will be called when the query is aborted.

By default, running queries will not be aborted for regular typing or backspacing, on the assumption that they are likely to return a result with a validFor field that allows the result to be used after all. Passing onDocChange: true will cause this query to be aborted for any document change.

interface CompletionResult

Interface for objects returned by completion sources.

from: number

The start of the range that is being completed.

to⁠?: number

The end of the range that is being completed. Defaults to the main cursor position.

options: readonly Completion[]

The completions returned. These don't have to be compared with the input by the source—the autocompletion system will do its own matching (against the text between from and to) and sorting.

validFor⁠?: RegExp |

When given, further typing or deletion that causes the part of the document between (mapped) from and to to match this regular expression or predicate function will not query the completion source again, but continue with this list of options. This can help a lot with responsiveness, since it allows the completion list to be updated synchronously.

filter⁠?: boolean

By default, the library filters and scores completions. Set filter to false to disable this, and cause your completions to all be included, in the order they were given. When there are other sources, unfiltered completions appear at the top of the list of completions. validFor must not be given when filter is false, because it only works when filtering.

getMatch⁠?: fn(completionCompletion, matched⁠?: readonly number[]) → readonly number[]

When filter is set to false or a completion has a displayLabel, this may be provided to compute the ranges on the label that match the input. Should return an array of numbers where each pair of adjacent numbers provide the start and end of a range. The second argument, the match found by the library, is only passed when filter isn't false.

update⁠?: fn() → CompletionResult | null

Synchronously update the completion result after typing or deletion. If given, this should not do any expensive work, since it will be called during editor state updates. The function should make sure (similar to validFor) that the completion still applies in the new state.

map⁠?: fn(currentCompletionResult, changesChangeDesc) → CompletionResult | null

When results contain position-dependent information in, for example, apply methods, you can provide this method to update the result for transactions that happen after the query. It is not necessary to update from and to—those are tracked automatically.

commitCharacters⁠?: readonly string[]

Set a default set of commit characters for all options in this result.

type CompletionSource = fn(contextCompletionContext) → CompletionResult |

The function signature for a completion source. Such a function may return its result synchronously or as a promise. Returning null indicates no completions are available.

completeFromList(listreadonly (string | Completion)[]) → CompletionSource

Given a a fixed array of options, return an autocompleter that completes them.

ifIn(nodesreadonly string[], sourceCompletionSource) → CompletionSource

Wrap the given completion source so that it will only fire when the cursor is in a syntax node with one of the given names.

ifNotIn(nodesreadonly string[], sourceCompletionSource) → CompletionSource

Wrap the given completion source so that it will not fire when the cursor is in a syntax node with one of the given names.

completeAnyWord: CompletionSource

A completion source that will scan the document for words (using a character categorizer), and return those as completions.

insertCompletionText() → TransactionSpec

Helper function that returns a transaction spec which inserts a completion's text in the main selection range, and any other selection range that has the same text in front of it.


startCompletion: Command

Explicitly start autocompletion.

closeCompletion: Command

Close the currently active completion.

acceptCompletion: Command

Accept the current completion.

moveCompletionSelection(forwardboolean, by⁠?: "option" | "page" = "option") → Command

Returns a command that moves the completion selection forward or backward by the given amount.

completionKeymap: readonly KeyBinding[]

Basic keybindings for autocompletion.


snippet(templatestring) → fn(
editor: {stateEditorState, dispatchfn(trTransaction)},

Convert a snippet template to a function that can apply it. Snippets are written using syntax like this:

"for (let ${index} = 0; ${index} < ${end}; ${index}++) {\n\t${}\n}"

Each ${} placeholder (you may also use #{}) indicates a field that the user can fill in. Its name, if any, will be the default content for the field.

When the snippet is activated by calling the returned function, the code is inserted at the given position. Newlines in the template are indented by the indentation of the start line, plus one indent unit per tab character after the newline.

On activation, (all instances of) the first field are selected. The user can move between fields with Tab and Shift-Tab as long as the fields are active. Moving to the last field or moving the cursor out of the current field deactivates the fields.

The order of fields defaults to textual order, but you can add numbers to placeholders (${1} or ${1:defaultText}) to provide a custom order.

To include a literal { or } in your template, put a backslash in front of it. This will be removed and the brace will not be interpreted as indicating a placeholder.

snippetCompletion(templatestring, completionCompletion) → Completion

Create a completion from a snippet. Returns an object with the properties from completion, plus an apply function that applies the snippet.

nextSnippetField: StateCommand

Move to the next snippet field, if available.

hasNextSnippetField(stateEditorState) → boolean

Check if there is an active snippet with a next field for nextSnippetField to move to.

prevSnippetField: StateCommand

Move to the previous snippet field, if available.

hasPrevSnippetField(stateEditorState) → boolean

Returns true if there is an active snippet and a previous field for prevSnippetField to move to.

clearSnippet: StateCommand

A command that clears the active snippet, if any.

snippetKeymap: Facet<readonly KeyBinding[], readonly KeyBinding[]>

A facet that can be used to configure the key bindings used by snippets. The default binds Tab to nextSnippetField, Shift-Tab to prevSnippetField, and Escape to clearSnippet.

Automatic Bracket Closing

interface CloseBracketConfig

Configures bracket closing behavior for a syntax (via language data) using the "closeBrackets" identifier.

brackets⁠?: string[]

The opening brackets to close. Defaults to ["(", "[", "{", "'", '"']. Brackets may be single characters or a triple of quotes (as in "'''").

before⁠?: string

Characters in front of which newly opened brackets are automatically closed. Closing always happens in front of whitespace. Defaults to ")]}:;>".

stringPrefixes⁠?: string[]

When determining whether a given node may be a string, recognize these prefixes before the opening quote.

closeBrackets() → Extension

Extension to enable bracket-closing behavior. When a closeable bracket is typed, its closing bracket is immediately inserted after the cursor. When closing a bracket directly in front of a closing bracket inserted by the extension, the cursor moves over that bracket.

closeBracketsKeymap: readonly KeyBinding[]

Close-brackets related key bindings. Binds Backspace to deleteBracketPair.

deleteBracketPair: StateCommand

Command that implements deleting a pair of matching brackets when the cursor is between them.

insertBracket(stateEditorState, bracketstring) → Transaction | null

Implements the extension's behavior on text insertion. If the given string counts as a bracket in the language around the selection, and replacing the selection with it requires custom behavior (inserting a closing version or skipping past a previously-closed bracket), this function returns a transaction representing that custom behavior. (You only need this if you want to programmatically insert brackets—the closeBrackets extension will take care of running this for user input.)


lintKeymap: readonly KeyBinding[]

A set of default key bindings for the lint functionality.

interface Diagnostic

Describes a problem or hint for a piece of code.

from: number

The start position of the relevant text.

to: number

The end position. May be equal to from, though actually covering text is preferable.

severity: "error" | "hint" | "info" | "warning"

The severity of the problem. This will influence how it is displayed.

markClass⁠?: string

When given, add an extra CSS class to parts of the code that this diagnostic applies to.

source⁠?: string

An optional source string indicating where the diagnostic is coming from. You can put the name of your linter here, if applicable.

message: string

The message associated with this diagnostic.

renderMessage⁠?: fn(viewEditorView) → Node

An optional custom rendering function that displays the message as a DOM node.

actions⁠?: readonly Action[]

An optional array of actions that can be taken on this diagnostic.

interface Action

An action associated with a diagnostic.

name: string

The label to show to the user. Should be relatively short.

apply(viewEditorView, fromnumber, tonumber)

The function to call when the user activates this action. Is given the diagnostic's current position, which may have changed since the creation of the diagnostic, due to editing.

linter(sourceLintSource | null, config⁠?: Object = {}) → Extension

Given a diagnostic source, this function returns an extension that enables linting with that source. It will be called whenever the editor is idle (after its content changed). If null is given as source, this only configures the lint extension.

delay⁠?: number

Time to wait (in milliseconds) after a change before running the linter. Defaults to 750ms.

needsRefresh⁠?: fn(updateViewUpdate) → boolean

Optional predicate that can be used to indicate when diagnostics need to be recomputed. Linting is always re-done on document changes.

markerFilter⁠?: fn(
diagnosticsreadonly Diagnostic[],
) → Diagnostic[]

Optional filter to determine which diagnostics produce markers in the content.

tooltipFilter⁠?: fn(
diagnosticsreadonly Diagnostic[],
) → Diagnostic[]

Filter applied to a set of diagnostics shown in a tooltip. No tooltip will appear if the empty set is returned.

hideOn⁠?: fn(trTransaction, fromnumber, tonumber) → boolean | null

Can be used to control what kind of transactions cause lint hover tooltips associated with the given document range to be hidden. By default any transactions that changes the line around the range will hide it. Returning null falls back to this behavior.

autoPanel⁠?: boolean

When enabled (defaults to off), this will cause the lint panel to automatically open when diagnostics are found, and close when all diagnostics are resolved or removed.

type LintSource = fn(viewEditorView) → readonly Diagnostic[] |
Promise<readonly Diagnostic[]>

The type of a function that produces diagnostics.

diagnosticCount(stateEditorState) → number

Returns the number of active lint diagnostics in the given state.


Forces any linters configured to run when the editor is idle to run right away.

openLintPanel: Command

Command to open and focus the lint panel.

closeLintPanel: Command

Command to close the lint panel, when open.

nextDiagnostic: Command

Move the selection to the next diagnostic.

previousDiagnostic: Command

Move the selection to the previous diagnostic.

diagnosticsreadonly Diagnostic[]
) → TransactionSpec

Returns a transaction spec which updates the current set of diagnostics, and enables the lint extension if if wasn't already active.

setDiagnosticsEffect: StateEffectType<readonly Diagnostic[]>

The state effect that updates the set of active diagnostics. Can be useful when writing an extension that needs to track these.

ffn(dDiagnostic, fromnumber, tonumber)

Iterate over the marked diagnostics for the given editor state, calling f for each of them. Note that, if the document changed since the diagnostics were created, the Diagnostic object will hold the original outdated position, whereas the to and from arguments hold the diagnostic's current position.

lintGutter(config⁠?: Object = {}) → Extension

Returns an extension that installs a gutter showing markers for each line that has diagnostics, which can be hovered over to see the diagnostics.

hoverTime⁠?: number

The delay before showing a tooltip when hovering over a lint gutter marker.

markerFilter⁠?: fn(
diagnosticsreadonly Diagnostic[],
) → Diagnostic[]

Optional filter determining which diagnostics show a marker in the gutter.

tooltipFilter⁠?: fn(
diagnosticsreadonly Diagnostic[],
) → Diagnostic[]

Optional filter for diagnostics displayed in a tooltip, which can also be used to prevent a tooltip appearing.


This package provides the scaffolding for basic operational-transform based collaborative editing. When it is enabled, the editor will accumulate local changes, which can be sent to a central service. When new changes are received from the service, they can be applied to the state with receiveUpdates.

See the collaborative editing example for a more detailed description of the protocol.

collab(config⁠?: Object = {}) → Extension

Create an instance of the collaborative editing plugin.

startVersion⁠?: number

The starting document version. Defaults to 0.

clientID⁠?: string

This client's identifying ID. Will be a randomly generated string if not provided.

sharedEffects⁠?: fn(trTransaction) → readonly StateEffect<any>[]

It is possible to share information other than document changes through this extension. If you provide this option, your function will be called on each transaction, and the effects it returns will be sent to the server, much like changes are. Such effects are automatically remapped when conflicting remote changes come in.

interface Update

An update is a set of changes and effects.

changes: ChangeSet

The changes made by this update.

effects⁠?: readonly StateEffect<any>[]

The effects in this update. There'll only ever be effects here when you configure your collab extension with a sharedEffects option.

clientID: string

The ID of the client who created this update.

receiveUpdates(stateEditorState, updatesreadonly Update[]) → Transaction

Create a transaction that represents a set of new updates received from the authority. Applying this transaction moves the state forward to adjust to the authority's view of the document.

sendableUpdates(stateEditorState) → readonly (Update & {originTransaction})[]

Returns the set of locally made updates that still have to be sent to the authority. The returned objects will also have an origin property that points at the transaction that created them. This may be useful if you want to send along metadata like timestamps. (But note that the updates may have been mapped in the meantime, whereas the transaction is just the original transaction that created them.)

updatesreadonly Update[],
overreadonly {changesChangeDesc, clientIDstring}[]
) → readonly Update[]

Rebase and deduplicate an array of client-submitted updates that came in with an out-of-date version number. over should hold the updates that were accepted since the given version (or at least their change descs and client IDs). Will return an array of updates that, firstly, has updates that were already accepted filtered out, and secondly, has been moved over the other changes so that they apply to the current document version.

getSyncedVersion(stateEditorState) → number

Get the version up to which the collab plugin has synced with the central authority.

getClientID(stateEditorState) → string

Get this editor's collaborative editing client ID.


languages: LanguageDescription[]

An array of language descriptions for known language packages.


This package depends on most of the core library packages and exports extension bundles to help set up a simple editor in a few lines of code.

basicSetup: Extension

This is an extension value that just pulls together a number of extensions that you might want in a basic editor. It is meant as a convenient helper to quickly set up CodeMirror without installing and importing a lot of separate packages.

Specifically, it includes...

(You'll probably want to add some language package to your setup too.)

This extension does not allow customization. The idea is that, once you decide you want to configure your editor more precisely, you take this package's source (which is just a bunch of imports and an array literal), copy it into your own code, and adjust it as desired.

minimalSetup: Extension

A minimal set of extensions to create a functional editor. Only includes the default keymap, undo history, special character highlighting, custom selection drawing, and default highlight style.

re-export EditorView