Example: Basic Editor

To create a CodeMirror editor, you instantiate an object of the EditorView class. Usually, you'll want to specify a parent element to put the editor in right away, but it is also possible to place view.dom into the document after initialization.

import {basicSetup} from "codemirror"
import {EditorView} from "@codemirror/view"

const view = new EditorView({
  doc: "Start document",
  parent: document.body,
  extensions: [basicSetup]

This will put a text editor with the content “Start document” at the end of the page.

At any point, view.state will hold the current editor state. state.doc.toString() will give you the document as a string.

The extensions field configures the extensions loaded into the editor. Most functionality—even basic stuff like key bindings, a line number gutter and syntax highlighting—is implemented as extension. It is possible to create an editor without extensions, but that'd be a rather useless editor. The basicSetup value bundles together a collection of extensions that make a good default. If you want to more precisely configure your editor, you could start by inlining its content, as in the example below, and tweak the result.

import {Extension, EditorState} from "@codemirror/state"
import {
  EditorView, keymap, highlightSpecialChars, drawSelection,
  highlightActiveLine, dropCursor, rectangularSelection,
  crosshairCursor, lineNumbers, highlightActiveLineGutter
} from "@codemirror/view"
import {
  defaultHighlightStyle, syntaxHighlighting, indentOnInput,
  bracketMatching, foldGutter, foldKeymap
} from "@codemirror/language"
import {
  defaultKeymap, history, historyKeymap
} from "@codemirror/commands"
import {
  searchKeymap, highlightSelectionMatches
} from "@codemirror/search"
import {
  autocompletion, completionKeymap, closeBrackets,
} from "@codemirror/autocomplete"
import {lintKeymap} from "@codemirror/lint"

const view = new EditorView({
  doc: "Start document",
  parent: document.body,
  extensions: [
    // A line number gutter
    // A gutter with code folding markers
    // Replace non-printable characters with placeholders
    // The undo history
    // Replace native cursor/selection with our own
    // Show a drop cursor when dragging over the editor
    // Allow multiple cursors/selections
    // Re-indent lines when typing specific input
    // Highlight syntax with a default style
    // Highlight matching brackets near cursor
    // Automatically close brackets
    // Load the autocompletion system
    // Allow alt-drag to select rectangular regions
    // Change the cursor to a crosshair when holding alt
    // Style the current line specially
    // Style the gutter for current line specially
    // Highlight text that matches the selected text
      // Closed-brackets aware backspace
      // A large set of basic bindings
      // Search-related keys
      // Redo/undo keys
      // Code folding bindings
      // Autocompletion keys
      // Keys related to the linter system

Extensions are also the way you load additional functionality, such as a language mode or your own custom code, into your editor. There's a list of extensions provided by the library that you can scan through to look for a specific feature. Most language packages expose a main function, named after the language, that takes a configuration object and returns the extension that provides the language support.

import {javascript} from "@codemirror/lang-javascript"
import {EditorView, basicSetup} from "codemirror"

const view = new EditorView({
  doc: "Start document",
  parent: document.body,
  extensions: [
    javascript({typescript: true})

By default, a CodeMirror editor is just a borderless element that will grow to match its content. You can style it to match your desired look.